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Thursday, February 20, 2025

Cunaripo Primary School broken into for third time


Ralph Banwarie
380 days ago
The Cunaripo Presbyterian School that was broken into for the third time in a few days. Image by Ralph Banwarie

The Cunaripo Presbyterian School that was broken into for the third time in a few days. Image by Ralph Banwarie


Con­cerned about the safe­ty and wel­fare of pupils and teach­ers, Cu­mu­to Coun­cil­lor Keon Sa­roops­ingh is ap­peal­ing to ban­dits to re­frain from break­ing in­to the Cu­nar­ipo Pres­by­ter­ian Pri­ma­ry School as it is af­fect­ing the stu­dents and dam­ag­ing the build­ing and the se­cu­ri­ty fence.

Sa­roops­ingh was in­formed by the Prin­ci­pal that the school was bro­ken in­to last Thurs­day, Fri­day and Mon­day night.

He re­mind­ed the ban­dits that this build­ing was built for the ed­u­ca­tion of chil­dren and is ap­peal­ing to the per­pe­tra­tors to stop this il­le­gal act now.

The thieves stole the school's garbage bags and bleach on Thurs­day. On Mon­day night, when elec­tric­i­ty went, the thieves broke in­to the school for the third time and en­tered by cut­ting a por­tion of the school's fence.

They dam­aged the doors of four class­rooms and the fence but left emp­ty hand­ed.

The guard who was on du­ty was alert­ed by noise com­ing from the back of the school.

Of­fi­cers at­tached to Cu­mu­to Po­lice Sta­tion re­spond­ed, search­ing the en­vi­ron­ment but it re­vealed noth­ing.

Coun­cil­lor Sa­roops­ingh told Guardian Me­dia that most of the street lights are not func­tion­ing on the Cu­nar­ipo Road.

He said he made sev­er­al re­quests by phone and cor­re­spon­dence to T&TEC and was in­formed that they have no mon­ey at this time to re­pair the street lights.

He is al­so re­quest­ing in­creased po­lice pa­trols in the Cu­nar­ipo area and in par­tic­u­lar the Cu­nar­ipo Pres­by­ter­ian Pri­ma­ry School.

At­tempts to con­tact the Min­istry of Ed­u­ca­tion North­east­ern Di­vi­sion proved fu­tile.


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