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Friday, February 14, 2025

Dead chain snatching bandit identified


Jensen La Vende
17 days ago
Isiah Taitt

Isiah Taitt

Jensen La Vende

Po­lice have iden­ti­fied the man killed dur­ing an at­tempt­ed rob­bery on Mon­day af­ter­noon as 21-year-old Isi­ah Taitt.

Po­lice said that just be­fore 1 pm, Taitt of Mau­ri­ta, Ari­ma, and two oth­ers at­tempt­ed to rob a de­liv­ery dri­ver on Char­lotte Street.

The dri­ver stood near his ve­hi­cle at the cor­ner of Queen and Char­lotte streets when the three men ap­proached, one armed with a gun. The ban­dits pushed him to the ground.

How­ev­er, the dri­ver re­mained com­posed, drew his li­censed pis­tol, and shot one of the at­tack­ers sev­er­al times, killing him.

Af­ter Taitt fell to the ground, the oth­er men fled. One ran along Queen Street on­to Dun­can Street, while the oth­er es­caped through East­side Plaza.

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