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Saturday, March 15, 2025

DPP finds dad dead in Sando house


Sascha Wilson
32 days ago

Di­rec­tor of Pub­lic Pros­e­cu­tions (DPP) Roger Gas­pard went to vis­it his fa­ther on Sun­day but in­stead found his de­com­pos­ing body in his home. Po­lice said foul play is not sus­pect­ed.

A po­lice re­port stat­ed that Gas­pard’s fa­ther, Joseph Gas­pard, lived alone at Hick­ling Street in San Fer­nan­do. Around 5.30 pm on Sun­day, Gas­pard ar­rived at his fa­ther’s home. How­ev­er, the 89-year-old did not re­spond to his calls.   

Gas­pard used a spare key to en­ter the house and found his fa­ther’s body face down on a bed.

Po­lice said the el­der­ly man had health is­sues, in­clud­ing hy­per­ten­sion.

A neigh­bour told po­lice he last saw the el­der Gas­pard around 8.30pm on Fri­day, stand­ing by a win­dow in his apart­ment. 

A Dis­trict Med­ical Of­fi­cer viewed the body and or­dered the re­moval to a fu­ner­al home pend­ing an au­top­sy at the San Fer­nan­do mor­tu­ary. Po­lice said the body bore no marks of vi­o­lence. 

Al­lan An­drews, a neigh­bour, re­called that the el­der­ly Gas­pard was pleas­ant but kept to him­self. He re­called see­ing him walk­ing on morn­ings. An­drews said he would see his son vis­it­ing him of­ten.  An­drews ex­pressed con­do­lences to the be­reaved fam­i­ly.   

Gas­pard’s sis­ter Joanne Gas­pard fell to her death from the bal­cony of her home in Vista­bel­la af­ter in­trud­ers broke in­to her house on No­vem­ber 13, 2008.  An­tho­ny Sankar and Mar­cus Gre­sham were charged with her mur­der, and in 2023, they plead­ed guilty to felony mur­der.

Jus­tice De­van Ram­per­sad start­ed with a 24-year sen­tence, but af­ter the rel­e­vant dis­counts were ap­plied, Sankar re­ceived a prison term of one year and 30 days, while Gre­sham was sen­tenced to one year and nine months.

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