The Environmental Management Authority is concerned that the roll back of remaining COVID 19 restrictions on Monday can lead to a spike in noise pollution. Responding to questions from Guardian Media, the EMA noted the harmful impact of noise and that noise related complaints were the number one type of complaint received via its hotline.
According to the Authority," The EMA acknowledges the harmful impact of noise on all and recognizes that countries around the world continue to grapple with this issue. In fact, the World Health Organization reports that environmental noise is among the top environmental risks to health, globally"
The lifting of restrictions saw the limit on social gatherings lifted and safe zones discontinued among other adjustments to the Public Health Regulations.
The EMA has reminded that citizens are required to apply for a noise variation permit if a planned event may generate noise that will exceed the permissible sound level for the area.
" This may include parties, fetes and sports days using sound amplifying equipment"
The Authority is appealing to fete-promoters, event organizers, bar-owners and to the general public to be responsible and cognizant of the damaging effects of noise pollution.
Under the Noise Pollution Control Rules, 2001 (as Amended) (NPCR), the EMA is required to measure sound using a sound level or noise meter for at least thirty 30 minutes.
The noise must be continuous, and it has to be measured on the property boundary line. The NPCR does not give the EMA the legislative authority to address issues such as noisy vehicles, loudspeakers, and fireworks.
According to the Public Relations Officer of the Trinidad and Tobago Police Service, ASP Sheridon Hill, the police will be monitoring and enforcing the law which under The Summary Offences Act Chap. 11:02 Section 70 of the Summary Offences Act states that any person who causes a nuisance to the public is liable to a fine of One Thousand Five Hundred Dollars ($1,500.00) or imprisonment for six (6) months.
Reporter: Jesse Ramdeo