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Thursday, March 13, 2025

Ex-president Carmona gets ‘visit’ from macajuel


Carisa Lee
1186 days ago
The snake found in former President Anthony Carmona’s home in Fyzabad after it was captured by an Emperor Valley Zoo official.

The snake found in former President Anthony Carmona’s home in Fyzabad after it was captured by an Emperor Valley Zoo official.

For­mer T&T Pres­i­dent An­tho­ny Car­mona got a big sur­prise yes­ter­day, when he found a maca­juel snake curled up in one of the rooms at his Roberts Hill home in Fyz­abad.

The huge rep­tile curled it­self up against a wall in a cor­ner, amongst sev­er­al items which had been laid out around the room.

Car­mona im­me­di­ate­ly called Em­per­or Val­ley Zoo of­fi­cials, who ar­rived at his home a short while lat­er and re­moved the rep­tile.

How­ev­er, it seems the rep­tile may have sought refuge in Car­mona’s home af­ter be­ing in­jured. The zoo of­fi­cial who went to re­trieve the rep­tile not­ed that it had been chopped on the body.

Ac­cord­ing to a state­ment by the zoo, the snake will be re­ha­bil­i­tat­ed then re­leased in­to the wild in Ch­aguara­mas.

The for­mer pres­i­dent said it was a very ma­jes­tic snake and that the area is known for its vi­brant wildlife, where agouti abound.

The Em­per­or Val­ley Zoo said this was the third size­able snake to be caught in the Roberts Hill area.

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