Fireman, Marlon Octava was charged, with forgery of a document and uttering a forged document on Monday 13th June 2022. He was granted bail with a surety for $10,000, by a Justice of the Peace and the matter was adjourned to Wednesday 15th June 2022, when he will appear before a Princes Town Magistrate.
Details follow in this press release from the TTPS:
A member of the Trinidad and Tobago Fire Service (TTFS) with 16 years’ service was granted bail with a surety in the sum of $10,000, by a Justice of the Peace (JP) yesterday.
MARLON OCTAVA, 42, was charged on Monday 13th June, 2022, with forgery of a document and uttering a forged document. The matter was adjourned to Wednesday 15th June, 2022, when he will appear before a Princes Town Magistrate.
It is alleged that the accused went to a commercial bank in Rio Claro on September 1st, 2020, with the view of obtaining a loan. In support of the application, he tendered to bank personnel, a letter of non-indebtedness from a credit union, along with other documents. During the vetting stage of the application, the letter was found to have never originated from the credit union and subsequently deemed to be fraudulent.
A report was made to the Fraud Squad’s South Office and an investigation into the matter was launched.
Octava was arrested on Monday 13th, June, 2022, and charged by Cpl (Ag.) Ramdial on that same date, with the two offences.
Investigations were supervised by Snr. Supt. Groome, Supt. Reuben, ASP Lutchman, Insp. (Ag.) Bachoo and Sgt. (Ag.) Bassarath, all of the Fraud Squad.