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Thursday, March 6, 2025

Garcia orders probe at Barrackpore East

Class bully fractures boy's wrist


Radhica De Silva
2282 days ago
Jane Samaroo consoles her son outside the San Fernando General Hospital, where they went after he received further treatment on a broken wrist which was allegedly inflicted by a bully at the Barrackpore East Secondary on November 27.

Jane Samaroo consoles her son outside the San Fernando General Hospital, where they went after he received further treatment on a broken wrist which was allegedly inflicted by a bully at the Barrackpore East Secondary on November 27.

Kristian De Silva

Ter­ri­fied for the safe­ty of her son, who was bru­tal­ly at­tacked by a school bul­ly, Jane Sama­roo is now beg­ging Ed­u­ca­tion Min­is­ter An­tho­ny Gar­cia to se­cure a trans­fer for him.

Speak­ing out­side the San Fer­nan­do Gen­er­al Hos­pi­tal af­ter doc­tors re­moved a cast from his frac­tured wrist Wednes­day, Sama­roo said her en­tire fam­i­ly is now suf­fer­ing be­cause she had lost her job af­ter her son's at­tack.

Sama­roo, who worked as a URP labour­er at the Bar­rack­pore East Sec­ondary School, where he son al­so at­tends, said she want­ed jus­tice as well as a safe en­vi­ron­ment for her child. Wip­ing away tears, Sama­roo said the dis­pute which led to the beat­ing start­ed on No­vem­ber 25 when the bul­ly al­leged­ly cut the strap from her son's book bag. The stu­dent went to prin­ci­pal Faye Ann Ryan and re­port­ed the mat­ter. Short­ly af­ter­wards, the bul­ly be­gan ac­cus­ing the stu­dent of spread­ing ru­mours. On No­vem­ber 27, Sama­roo said her son was in a class­room when the per­pe­tra­tor slammed her son against a chair. He al­leged­ly be­gan beat­ing him re­peat­ed­ly on the head and back. A friend lat­er jumped in and res­cued the Form Three pupil.

Sama­roo said he went to the prin­ci­pal's of­fice to make a re­port. She said she saw her son sit­ting in the prin­ci­pal's of­fice that day but no­body in­formed her that he was beat­en.

"He was so trau­ma­tised he could not speak to me. They sent him back to the class­room even though his hand was frac­tured,” she said.

“When I got home that day I re­alised he was hurt. We took him to the Princes Town Dis­trict Hos­pi­tal and they trans­ferred him to San Fer­nan­do Hos­pi­tal where he was x-rayed."

Sama­roo not­ed that his hand was put in a cast and a day lat­er they made a re­port at the Bar­rack­pore Po­lice Sta­tion and to the Min­istry of Ed­u­ca­tion.

Sama­roo said af­ter she ini­ti­at­ed an in­ves­ti­ga­tion, her su­per­vi­sor called her to say she would be trans­ferred out of the school. She was re­as­signed to work at the Mon­key Town Pri­ma­ry school but she could not af­ford to pay $16 per day to get to work. Sama­roo said she was now pray­ing that Gar­cia could trans­fer her son to the Bar­rack­pore West Sec­ondary School.

Con­tact­ed on Wednes­day the prin­ci­pal said she was not au­tho­rised to speak to the me­dia but not­ed that she did every­thing that she was sup­posed to do. She then hung up the phone.

Al­so con­tact­ed on the is­sue, Min­is­ter Gar­cia said he was very dis­ap­point­ed that bul­ly­ing was con­tin­u­ing in some schools de­spite the min­istry’s an­ti-bul­ly­ing ini­tia­tives. He said he had no in­for­ma­tion that the al­leged at­tack­er was sus­pend­ed. He point­ed out that a re­port was not lodged at the min­istry but said the school su­per­vi­sor will ini­ti­ate an in­ves­ti­ga­tion and give him an up­date.

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