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Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Gran Couva residents remain frustrated over landslide


Shastri Boodan
777 days ago
A water main running to the left of the landslide at Gran Couva

A water main running to the left of the landslide at Gran Couva


Shas­tri Boodan

Res­i­dents of Gran Cou­va re­main frus­trat­ed by the fail­ure to fix a huge land­slide in their com­mu­ni­ty. The main road start­ed col­laps­ing on No­vem­ber 26, 2022, in the vicin­i­ty of Cameron Road.

On New Year’s Day, Guardian Me­dia vis­it­ed Gran Cou­va, where irate res­i­dents voiced their con­cerns.

Asa Roopc­hand, who had to flee his home that is di­rect­ly in front of the land­slide, said that no­body in au­thor­i­ty had any con­sid­er­a­tion for the plight of peo­ple in the com­mu­ni­ty. The ex­as­per­at­ed man de­clined fur­ther com­ment. Oth­er res­i­dents, mean­while, said they are tired of plead­ing with the au­thor­i­ties for help.

A male res­i­dent, who did not want to be named, ques­tioned the Gov­ern­ment's pri­or­i­ty and the mil­lion-dol­lar al­lo­ca­tion for the Moth­er of all Car­ni­vals.

"$147 mil­lion for Car­ni­val for what? For a few tourist dol­lars, for tourists to run in a pot­hole or get robbed. This coun­try has a lit­tle bit of mon­ey and big­ger is­sues than Car­ni­val. Peo­ple don’t have mon­ey for food and they're study­ing Car­ni­val. I don’t be­lieve they will ever fix this road," he said.

Ca­roni Cen­tral MP Arnold Ram does not be­lieve the road would be re­paired any­time soon. Ram said that WASA has in­stalled above-the-ground steel mains which, in his view, is an in­di­ca­tion that noth­ing will be hap­pen­ing any­time soon. Ram plans to raise this is­sue in the Par­lia­ment as he said, "this is a case of ne­glect for the peo­ple of Cen­tral by this Gov­ern­ment."

He added, "There are no im­me­di­ate plans by the au­thor­i­ties to do any­thing to re­pair this road, and it's get­ting worse.”

Asa Roopchand stands outside his home yesterday in Gran Couva which is affected by landslides in the area.

Asa Roopchand stands outside his home yesterday in Gran Couva which is affected by landslides in the area.



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