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Wednesday, March 26, 2025

Elderly woman shot dead while visiting friends in Penal


Sascha Wilson
37 days ago

“Put down the guns and turn to God,” cried 80-year-old great-grand­moth­er Lucy Mitchell, af­ter her close friend was fa­tal­ly shot dur­ing her (Mitchell’s) birth­day cel­e­bra­tion in Pe­nal on Sun­day.

Quintin Mar­cano, 65, of Cameron Hill, Mar­aval, had spent the day at Mitchell’s home at Rochard Road, cook­ing and lim­ing with friends, be­fore tragedy struck. Mitchell’s birth­day was on Feb­ru­ary 14.

When Guardian Me­dia vis­it­ed yes­ter­day, Mitchell and her fam­i­ly were in tears and try­ing to come to terms with the sit­u­a­tion.

The el­der­ly woman re­called that she was in the gallery, while Mar­cano was sit­ting on a chair near a shed in front of the house with her (Mitchell’s) rel­a­tives at 5.30 pm, when she heard sev­er­al gun­shots. Ini­tial­ly, Mitchell thought they were just ran­dom, as she is ac­cus­tomed to hear­ing gun­shots in the com­mu­ni­ty, but then she heard her rel­a­tives bawl­ing.

Sob­bing and wip­ing away her tears, the el­der­ly woman re­called that she want­ed to go to her friend’s as­sis­tance, but her son stopped her.

Mar­cano was shot in the neck and died be­fore they could get her to the Siparia Health Fa­cil­i­ty.

Last month, res­i­dent Nicholas Mor­gan was gunned down in his yard, two hous­es away from Mitchell’s home, and a few years ago, she al­so lost one of her sons to gun vi­o­lence.

“It’s so hard. I want to tell young peo­ple to put down the gun and turn to God, who made them and put them in this world... They’ve thrown away God from their hearts,” she lament­ed.

She added, “I wouldn’t hear her voice again. I wouldn’t see her again. We wouldn’t spend time to­geth­er. The birth­day was so nice. We had a nice prayer time.”

Mitchell’s 48-year-old daugh­ter, who asked not to be named, re­called she was lim­ing with Mar­cano that evening.

“We heard gun­shots ring out. My cousin said, ‘They’re shoot­ing a gun! Run!’ Every­body ran from the road. When we turned around, we re­alised she hadn’t come off the chair. We called out to her. I thought she faint­ed. But then we saw blood com­ing down her clothes.”

She said her niece was close by with her new­born ba­by and four oth­er chil­dren when the shoot­ing start­ed, and they had to scam­per to safe­ty.

Lament­ing that there was too much “stu­pid shoot­ing,” she ap­pealed to peo­ple to sur­ren­der their guns.

“Half of the peo­ple be­ing killed are in­no­cent. Peo­ple are get­ting shot be­cause of oth­ers’ stu­pid­i­ty. The au­thor­i­ties have to do some­thing.”

De­scrib­ing Mar­cano as a help­ful and lov­ing per­son, she said her fam­i­ly de­serves jus­tice and clo­sure.

An­oth­er rel­a­tive be­lieved the shoot­ing was “gun­play,” with shots be­ing fired in­dis­crim­i­nate­ly with no re­al tar­get. Mitchell’s grand­son Joel John, 20, called for jus­tice and warned young peo­ple that a life of crime would even­tu­al­ly lead to their deaths.

Homi­cide Bu­reau Re­gion III in­ves­ti­ga­tors are still try­ing to de­ter­mine a mo­tive for Mar­cano’s killing.

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