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Thursday, March 27, 2025

Hakka closes Woodbrook restaurant, now offering express services


1345 days ago
Image courtesy HAKKA Facebook.

Image courtesy HAKKA Facebook.

Pre­miere Asian fu­sion cui­sine restau­rant, HAK­KA, has closed the doors to its Restau­rant and Bar at Tay­lor Street in Wood­brook, but will be re­born some­what as Ex­press restau­rants across the length and breadth of T&T.

Con­fir­ma­tion came in a state­ment is­sued by HAK­KA on its Face­book pages.  Over the last few days, the com­pa­ny has been teas­ing its new ex­press ser­vices, and con­firmed last evening that it is evolv­ing in a way to reach even more peo­ple with its sump­tu­ous cui­sine.

“Com­menc­ing this month, we will start rolling out a new à la carte menu in all Ex­press lo­ca­tions,” the Face­book post stat­ed.

HAK­KA al­so re­vealed that its flag­ship restau­rant will be re­lo­cat­ed to the Brent­wood Mall in Ch­agua­nas.

The full state­ment is­sued by HAK­KA, fol­lows…


HAK­KA - "The Evo­lu­tion Con­tin­ues"


On Feb­ru­ary 3rd, 2010, we opened the doors of HAK­KA Restau­rant & Bar — the first to in­tro­duce mind-blow­ing In­di­an-style Hak­ka Chi­nese cui­sine to T&T. Since then, we have spread the mag­ic of HAK­KA across the coun­try through our Ex­press restau­rants. The Ex­press­es of­fer pop­u­lar items from the flag­ship restau­rant in con­ve­nient com­bos for those on the go. Many oth­er pop­u­lar dish­es can on­ly be pur­chased at the main restau­rant... un­til now!!!

To­day we close the chap­ter on HAK­KA Restau­rant & Bar and we be­gin the jour­ney to ex­pand our menu across T&T.

Com­menc­ing this month, we will start rolling out a new à la carte menu in all Ex­press lo­ca­tions.

For those who en­joyed win­ing and din­ing in the am­bi­ence of our fab­u­lous HAK­KA Restau­rant... you won't be dis­ap­point­ed for we have al­so em­barked on a new ven­ture that would pro­vide just that. In the up­com­ing months, we will open new doors to a mod­ern restau­rant con­cept, which will be con­ve­nient­ly lo­cat­ed at Brent­wood Mall in Ch­agua­nas Brent­wood Mall. This amaz­ing in­door and out­door din­ing ex­pe­ri­ence will, of course, be made avail­able when COVID re­stric­tions have been lift­ed.

To­day, we say good­bye to our beloved "moth­er ship" and we wish to thank ALL of our dear guests who have sup­port­ed us through the years. This is not the end but, rather, a new be­gin­ning for us all to share. We are ex­treme­ly ex­cit­ed to have you join us on this jour­ney. We are hap­py to be tak­ing even greater strides in con­tin­u­ing to build our lega­cy of of­fer­ing the HAK­KA mag­ic, in con­ve­nient lo­ca­tions, across our na­tion.

We in­vite you to fol­low our HAK­KA Ex­press page, so you can keep up with all the ex­cite­ment that lies ahead.

We love you all and we can­not wait to see you soon at a HAK­KA Ex­press restau­rant near you.

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