“I am a loyal, faithful person,” was the response Rural Development and Local Government Minister Kazim Hosein gave when asked about speculation that he could be “going home” to the United National Congress.
During the Monday Night Forum in Rio Claro, Opposition Leader Kamla Persad-Bissessar cleared the air that it was not Hosein who leaked the Cabinet note approving the $23 million contract for the rental of a building owned by Attorney General Faris Al Rawi’s family.
“By the way, I understand they (Government) real brutalise some people last week after I read out the Cabinet note on this matter. And they really brutalised a poor fella. I hear he crying all about, one of the ministers because they’re telling that minister, ‘Aye! You are the one that gave Kamla that Cab note.’
“No, it was not Kazim. You did not give me that Cabinet Note. It was not Kazim, ok!. It was not Kazim so leave him alone. Leave him alone, he will come home. It was not Kazim,” Persad-Bissessar said at the Rio Claro East Secondary School.
Asked to respond yesterday, Hosein said that being loyal was an important part of his Islamic faith so he would not leak a document to anyone. Hosein had just finished speaking to recruits who were inducted into training for the Municipal Police.
“I was brought up like that, my religion specifies that and I will not go against anybody I am loyal to, and I will not leak a document to anyone. I mean, that is unethical and I am here to serve. I was asked by the People’s National Movement, the Prime Minister of the country, whom I have the utmost respect for, to serve and I am serving. I would not leak a document. I would not do that,” Hosein said.
Stressing that he was a “second generation PNM”, he reminded all that his father, Rakeeb Hosein was a founding member of the party and a former mayor of San Fernando.
He also recalled his early days, cleaning former prime minister Patrick Manning’s constituency office. Hosein worked in the San Fernando Regional Corporation, where he later became a councillor and before assuming his place in the Cabinet, was the mayor of San Fernando.
He said Persad-Bissessar’s revelation was the first he heard that he was linked to the leaked document or “coming home”. However, he warned that with elections nearing, people will hear many different things.
“I am a very humble, quiet person. I am not always in the limelight, but probably they want to make me popular. I don’t see myself as that type of person. I never asked for any position anywhere. It was offered to me and I accepted it and as I said, I am here to serve.”