Shifting land compounded by heavy rainfall over the past week has caused a Hindu mandir in Freeport “to collapse to some extent”.
There was evidence of huge cracks on the wall stretching from ceiling to floor and the walls pulled apart along lines in several areas at the Lakshmi Narayan Mandir located at 112 Siewdass Road.
Further cracking of the structure could be heard as Seeta Mahabir, president of the mandir and other devotees attempted to remove items from the structure.
Mahabir, during an interview with the Guardian on Sunday, said while there had been small cracks in the walls prior to last week, it was only after consistent rainfall two days ago that the walls started shifting away from each other, leaving gaping spaces along the building.
“The building has collapsed to some extent and we have been advised that it is not safe to occupy,” Mahabir said.
“Two weeks ago there were slight cracks but following the rain the cracks expanded. The experts tell us there is a level of land shifting as well as the rainfall. We were told the rain undermined the building which resulted in the destruction.”
Mahabir said the mandir, which was constructed in 2006, was used by the community and by people from all over the country and saw about 300 people attend service every Sunday.
Mahabir said next week the mandir will be demolished and devotees had already committed to giving financial and technical assistance to have it rebuilt with a stronger foundation in the shortest possible time.