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Friday, February 28, 2025

Hunters find body in Barrackpore teak field


Sascha Wilson
361 days ago

Po­lice were called to Bar­rack­pore this morn­ing af­ter hunters found a bad­ly de­com­posed body in a teak field.

There has been no con­fir­ma­tion as yet on the iden­ti­ty of the body.

On their Face­book page, how­ev­er, Hunters Search and Res­cue Team, led by Cap­tain Val­lence Ramb­harat, stat­ed that the body was found by hunters, at Cu­mu­to Trace North, in the the vicin­i­ty of the home of miss­ing prison of­fi­cer Alexan­der John­son.

The body, most­ly skele­tal re­mains, was found hang­ing from a tree in a teak field ap­prox­i­mate­ly two kilo­me­tres op­po­site his home. John­son walked out of his home Jan­u­ary 24, with­out in­form­ing any­one where he was go­ing. He left be­hind his per­son­al be­long­ings and his ve­hi­cle.

Bar­rack­pore Po­lice and Hunters Search and Res­cue Team mem­bers Rocky Singh and Ron­nie Singh are on the scene.


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