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Thursday, March 27, 2025

IOC awards 2034 Winter Games to Salt Lake City. Utah last hosted the Olympics in 2002


246 days ago
Former US skier Lindsey Vonn makes a selfie with the Salt Lake City delegation after Salt Lake City was named Olympics host again as the IOC formally awarded the 2034 Winter Games to the United States bid, at the 2024 Summer Olympics, Wednesday, July 24, 2024, in Paris, France. (AP Photo/David Goldman)

Former US skier Lindsey Vonn makes a selfie with the Salt Lake City delegation after Salt Lake City was named Olympics host again as the IOC formally awarded the 2034 Winter Games to the United States bid, at the 2024 Summer Olympics, Wednesday, July 24, 2024, in Paris, France. (AP Photo/David Goldman)

David Goldman

Salt Lake City will be an Olympics host again af­ter the IOC for­mal­ly award­ed the 2034 Win­ter Games to the Unit­ed States bid on Wednes­day, af­ter a pow­er move by Olympic of­fi­cials who want to shut down a U.S. fed­er­al in­ves­ti­ga­tion of sus­pect­ed dop­ing by Chi­nese swim­mers.

The cap­i­tal city of Utah was the on­ly can­di­date af­ter the In­ter­na­tion­al Olympic Com­mit­tee gave Salt Lake City ex­clu­sive ne­go­ti­at­ing rights last year in the process that was fast-tracked for 2034.

The cam­paign team pre­sent­ing the bid on stage to IOC mem­bers in­clud­ed the Gov­er­nor of Utah Spencer Cox, Salt Lake City May­or Erin Menden­hall and Alpine ski great Lind­sey Vonn. Back home, a 3 a.m. pub­lic watch par­ty gath­ered to see a broad­cast from Paris.

Be­fore the vote, Cox agreed to pledges de­mand­ed by IOC lead­ers. The Olympic of­fi­cials in­sert­ed a clause in the host city con­tract that said lo­cal of­fi­cials must work with cur­rent and fu­ture U.S. pres­i­dents and mem­bers of Con­gress “to al­le­vi­ate your con­cerns” about the fed­er­al in­ves­ti­ga­tions in­to dop­ing.

What was set to be a sim­ple coro­na­tion of Salt Lake City be­came tan­gled up by the IOC. Pres­i­dent Thomas Bach is an­gry that the FBI is in­ves­ti­gat­ing the World An­ti-Dop­ing Agency’s de­ci­sion to ac­cept Chi­na’s ex­pla­na­tions for pos­i­tive drug tests of 23 swim­mers be­fore the Tokyo Olympics.

The IOC got promis­es from U.S. Olympic of­fi­cials and Utah con­tin­gent to ac­cept a new clause that lets the Olympic body ter­mi­nate Salt Lake City’s deal if the au­thor­i­ty of WA­DA was un­der­mined.

It was an un­prece­dent­ed move by the IOC that seemed to send a mes­sage the FBI should back away from the Chi­nese swim­mers’ case. It can be in­ves­ti­gat­ed in the U.S. un­der fed­er­al leg­is­la­tion named for a whistle­blow­er of Russ­ian state dop­ing at the 2014 Sochi Win­ter Games.

“We will work with our mem­bers of Con­gress,” Gov. Cox said ahead of the 2034 vote, “we will use all the levers of pow­er open to us to re­solve these con­cerns.”

Salt Lake City’s fi­nal ap­proval came in an 83-6 vote by IOC mem­bers that bring back the Win­ter Games 32 years af­ter first host­ing in 2002. Tight se­cu­ri­ty sur­round­ed those Olympics, the biggest in­ter­na­tion­al sports event host­ed by the U.S. fol­low­ing the Sept. 11 at­tacks five months ear­li­er.

The 2002 Salt Lake City Win­ter Games are part of Olympics lore for the bid bribery scan­dal that emerged in 1998 of IOC mem­bers seek­ing and get­ting favours from cam­paign of­fi­cials. It led to sweep­ing an­ti-cor­rup­tion re­forms at the IOC.

For its sec­ond turn Salt Lake City will get al­most 10 full years to pre­pare — the longest lead-in for a mod­ern Win­ter Games — amid longer-term con­cerns about cli­mate change af­fect­ing snow sports and re­duc­ing the pool of po­ten­tial hosts.

Salt Lake City opt­ed to tar­get 2034 and so avoid­ed po­ten­tial com­mer­cial and lo­gis­ti­cal clash­es with the 2028 Sum­mer Games be­ing host­ed by Los An­ge­les.

In a sep­a­rate de­ci­sion ear­li­er in Paris, the 2030 Win­ter Games was award­ed — with con­di­tions — to France for a re­gion­al project split be­tween ski re­sorts in the Alps and the French Riv­iera city Nice.

That project needs of­fi­cial sig­noff from the na­tion­al gov­ern­ment be­ing formed, and the Prime Min­is­ter yet to be con­firmed, af­ter re­cent elec­tions called by Pres­i­dent Em­manuel Macron. He helped present the 2030 bid Wednes­day to IOC mem­bers. —PARIS (AP)


Sto­ry by GRA­HAM DUN­BAR | As­so­ci­at­ed Press

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