Immediately after Monday’s UNC accommodation platform, ILP founder Jack Warner “hit the ground” yesterday, campaigning with NTA leader Gary Griffith.
Both walked areas in Lopinot campaigning for the NTA’s candidate there. Warner wore a blue NTA jersey.
The Centre of Excellence where Warner “debuted” with the UNC on Monday was packed with predominantly UNC supporters plus some NTA supporters. Most UNC MPs were present except a couple. Movement for Development leader Garvin Nicholas, who was acknowledged as among those responding to the UNC’s unity call, attended last Wednesday’s UNC-NTA meeting in Port-of-Spain. But Nicholas was not present at Monday’s UNC/NTA/Warner meeting. He told Guardian Media he had some commitments with clients.
However, there has been a mixed response from some UNC members to the accommodation. At least one UNC frontliner said the arrangement was difficult to explain to potential voters in consonance with good governance. The frontliner, who did not wish to be named, felt it did not bode well for the party’s general election chances.
Another UNC member admitted to not attending Monday’s meeting since they felt that such an accommodation would not be accepted nationally. That member also did not wish to be identified publicly.
But Marsha Walker, vice chairman of the UNC’s public relations committee—and Glencoe, Goodwood, La Puerta candidate—raised eyebrows with certain cryptic Facebook posts.
One post by Walker stated, “Fighting evil with evil could never be the answer” and another stated, “We should invite ‘community leaders’ to unite with us as well, come on board everybody, let’s unite with everybody. We have but one common enemy, so any and everybody else is welcome aboard.”
Contacted yesterday to elaborate on her posts and thoughts on Warner’s return, Walker said she would rather not give details at this time.