Before a full house at the Tunapuna Hindu School, on Thursday evening, Opposition Leader Kamla Persad-Bissessar presented the slate for her Star Team that will contest the United National Congress’ internal elections on June 26.
Led by the former prime minister herself, who is seeking her 12th successive year as party leader, the team’s slate featured three contenders for the positions of Deputy Leaders–Jearlean John, David Lee and Dr Roodal Moonilal.
In the remaining positions, Dave Tancoo will compete for the position of chairman, Khadijah Ameen for Vice Chairman, Vandana Mohit for Education Officer, Saddam Hosein for Research Officer, Don Sylvester for Election Officer, Neil Gosine for Treasurer, Wilfred Morris for International Relations Officer, Ravi Ratiram for Party Organiser, Shanti Boodram for South Regional Coordinator, Barry Padarath for Central Regional Coordinator, Eli Zakour for North West Regional Coordinator, Anil Roberts for North East Regional Coordinator, Taharqa Obika for Tobago Regional Coordinator and Sean Sobers rounded up the team.
To the sound of tassa drums, Persad-Bissessar expressed confidence in her team.
She believed it was comprised of the right people to win the upcoming Local Government Elections and then the General Election to come later on.
“We have a fighting team. We have a diligent team. We have a committed team that will help us move forward in government,” Persad-Bissessar said to applause from the crowd.
“The PNM has destroyed the country…They have no plan, no strategy…Every single institution has broken down. Everything is broken down,” she added.
The Opposition leader made an appeal to all UNC supporters to band together in order to defeat the People’s National Movement.
“Don’t let it happen again, let us get committed from now. Let us unite now. Too many are falling victims to crime. Too many are falling victims to hunger, hardship, helplessness and high cost of living, and everywhere you turn it’s only despair and joblessness,” she said.
In her 30-minute long speech, Persad-Bissessar once again accused the Government of protecting paedophiles.
She claimed that, according to her information, the Police Service is yet to act on the Judith Jones Report into abuse at Children’s Homes.
“Go into those homes and remove those monsters from those homes, and remove the children from those homes,” she said.
The UNC Political Leader incumbent also repeated her call for the resignation of Attorney General Reginald Armour.
Armour was recently disqualified by a Miami judge from representing the State in its Piarco Airport Corruption case.
Last weekend, the judge disqualified both Armour and the Seqour Law Firm from representing the State in the matter against T&T’s former finance minister Brian Kuei Tung.
The judge ruled that the attorneys had to be disqualified because they previously represented the defendant in the Magistrates’ Court for the same matter in 2004.
During his speech, Senator Saddam Hosein alleged that the Sequor Law Firm had been paid $13.58 million in legal fees so far.
UNC’s last internal elections took place in December 2020.
The UNC called its elections early in anticipation of the Local Government Elections due later this year.