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Monday, March 3, 2025

Kamla sends warning: Never take my kindness for weakness


Gail Alexander
321 days ago
UNC leader Kamla Persad-Bissessar greets former MP for Naparima Nizam Baksh and Couva South MP Rudy Indarsingh on her arrival at the party’s cottage meeting at the Lengua T.I.A Islamia Primary School in Moruga last evening.

UNC leader Kamla Persad-Bissessar greets former MP for Naparima Nizam Baksh and Couva South MP Rudy Indarsingh on her arrival at the party’s cottage meeting at the Lengua T.I.A Islamia Primary School in Moruga last evening.


“Nev­er ever, ever take my kind­ness for weak­ness!”

That was the re­peat­ed strong warn­ing from Op­po­si­tion Leader Kam­la Per­sad-Bisses­sar last night as she spoke at the UNC’s Mon­day Re­port in Moru­ga.

“I serve you with no­tice—don’t say you were nev­er no­ti­fied,” Per­sad-Bisses­sar added, with­out call­ing names of her de­trac­tors.

The UNC meet­ing oc­curred even as a meet­ing was al­so sched­uled to be held last night at San Fer­nan­do Yacht Club by dis­si­dent MPs Ma­yaro Rush­ton Paray (Ma­yaro), Rod­ney Charles (Na­pari­ma) and Ani­ta Haynes-Al­leyne (Tabaquite) with par­ty mem­bers.

It was the lat­est meet­ing Paray has ad­dressed. He re­cent­ly led a chal­lenge to Per­sad-Bisses­sar to have UNC na­tion­al ex­ec­u­tive elec­tions in June.

It was con­firmed yes­ter­day that Paray was “in­vit­ed” to speak at the Yacht Club, just as he was in­vit­ed to ad­dress an­oth­er meet­ing last week in Cou­va.

The San Fer­nan­do meet­ing was ad­ver­tised as be­ing un­der the “San Fer­nan­do Or­gan­is­ing Com­mit­tee”. It was or­gan­ised by one of the UNC’s for­mer tech­ni­cal op­er­a­tors.

Al­so, Ch­agua­nas West MP Di­nesh Ram­bal­ly again re­peat­ed his calls for Per­sad-Bisses­sar to step down in or­der to give the par­ty its best chance at win­ning the next gen­er­al elec­tion. Ram­bal­ly, who’s sup­port­ed Paray’s Na­tex call, last Fri­day ver­bal­ly at­tacked Per­sad-Bisses­sar’s lead­er­ship.

Last night, Per­sad-Bisses­sar, start­ing her ad­dress, jovial­ly thanked peo­ple for the feed­back of love and smiles. She said love was very im­por­tant and “if I could sing with you, I’d sing ‘Put a Lit­tle Love in Your Heart, don’t be an­gry all the time”.

With­out iden­ti­fy­ing any­one, she added, “I won­der, some peo­ple when they wake up in the morn­ing, like they have noth­ing good to do, or say.

“Some peo­ple, from the time they get up in the morn­ing, some­times they don’t even sleep - they’re key­board war­riors ... send a smile, send some yel­low hearts (emo­jis) at least, but some peo­ple seem to live in so much anger and pain! Let us say God bless them - put a lit­tle love in your heart and live a good live. Live your best life.”

She said the UNC had grown tremen­dous­ly be­tween the time she and UNC deputy leader Roodal Mooni­lal had joined it and now rep­re­sents every creed, race and re­li­gion rep­re­sent­ing T&T’s di­ver­si­ty. Say­ing the UNC will con­tin­ue be­ing a par­ty of great di­ver­si­ty and tol­er­ance, she added that when mem­bers be­gan years ago, one couldn’t see the mix, as what was seen at last night’s meet­ing.

Per­sad-Bisses­sar said the UNC was open to all peo­ple from all walks of life, all faiths, morals and val­ue must be re­spect­ed as all are equal­ly im­por­tant. She said she re­mem­bered late Min­is­ter/MP Mor­gan Job used to tell her, “See not race in every face, see grace as we’re all chil­dren of God”.

“I ask you to re­mem­ber that - see not race in every face but see grace be­cause we’re all chil­dren of God. That is my heart­felt be­lief and a foun­da­tion stone of the great UNC. There’s no room for in­tol­er­ance, ex­trem­ism of any kind in our UNC. As your leader - as a na­tion­al leader, I rep­re­sent all peo­ple equal­ly and fair­ly,” she said.

“I can­not and will not be con­trolled by any in­di­vid­ual or group to pro­mote any sin­gu­lar agen­da at the ex­pense of oth­er sec­tions of our coun­try. I’ll al­ways pro­mote the well-be­ing of our di­verse beau­ti­ful peo­ple with the same lev­el of love and com­mit­ment I’ve al­ways shown in my life. I’ll con­tin­ue to par­tic­i­pate in every as­pect of our mul­ti­cul­tur­al so­ci­ety with­out fear. Like­wise, I re­spect the right of any per­son who choos­es not to par­tic­i­pate in ac­cor­dance with their own views to do as they think best - we’re still a free so­ci­ety.”

Per­sad-Bisses­sar said that is the choice she’s made.

“And that’s the choice I ask every UNC mem­ber to make to par­tic­i­pate in the di­ver­si­ty that is T&T. There will al­ways be dif­fer­ences in any so­ci­ety, but I be­lieve I show love and re­spect to all equal­ly.

“As leader of this great UNC par­ty and as a na­tion­al leader, I give you the as­sur­ance I’ll show tol­er­ance, love and com­pas­sion with­out fear or favour.”

“But I warn you,” she said, her voice grow­ing firmer, “Do not take my kind­ness for weak­ness! Do not take my kind­ness for weak­ness! I warn you. Be­cause I am strong, I’m UNC and proud ... Nev­er ever, ever take my kind­ness for weak­ness!!

“Nev­er. I serve you with no­tice. Don’t say you were nev­er no­ti­fied.”

200 nom­i­na­tions for 39 seats

Per­sad-Bisses­sar, who praised Moru­ga MP Michelle Ben­jamin, said the UNC had re­ceived 200 gen­er­al elec­tion nom­i­na­tions for the 39 seats in Trinidad. She said that meant peo­ple “like the par­ty - they want to rep­re­sent”.

She said there would have to be screen­ing. Af­ter last Thurs­day’s dead­line for sub­mis­sions of nom­i­na­tions, she added, “We don’t want to be caught off guard … As of now, the next step is for the UNC sec­re­tari­at to en­gage in thor­ough fact-check­ing of each of these nom­i­na­tions, to ver­i­fy the ve­rac­i­ty of the in­for­ma­tion each of them would have sub­mit­ted. That’s what will be tak­ing place now, as per pro­ce­dure and process.”

She said the par­ty must do what it must do in ac­cor­dance with its con­sti­tu­tion as it goes for­ward. Per­sad-Bisses­sar, not­ing two by-elec­tions due ahead, al­so said, “It will be licks like fire! We’ll wipe them up in both seats!”

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