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Saturday, March 29, 2025

Larry Lalla resigns from the UNC


Kejan Haynes
32 days ago
Attorney Larry Lalla

Attorney Larry Lalla


Ke­jan Haynes

Lar­ry Lal­la has re­signed from the Unit­ed Na­tion­al Con­gress (UNC), as stat­ed in a let­ter dat­ed Feb­ru­ary 24, 2025, ad­dressed to the par­ty's chair­man, Dave Tan­coo. Lal­la ex­plained that he made this de­ci­sion "af­ter care­ful con­sid­er­a­tion over the past few months." He cit­ed his un­suc­cess­ful at­tempts to ad­vo­cate for change with­in the par­ty over the past nine years as a key rea­son for his res­ig­na­tion.

In the let­ter, Lal­la out­lined his ef­forts, say­ing he had pushed for change as "part of the UNC Loy­al­ists team" in 2015, "part of the Lo­tus team" in 2020, and "part of the Unit­ed Pa­tri­ots team" in 2024. Af­ter these re­peat­ed at­tempts, he con­clud­ed that he could "af­ford no more time" to his ef­forts in the par­ty.

De­spite re­sign­ing, Lal­la ex­pressed grat­i­tude for "the re­la­tion­ships built and ex­pe­ri­ences gained" dur­ing his time in the UNC. He al­so ex­tend­ed his best wish­es to the par­ty and its mis­sion to cre­ate "a bet­ter Trinidad and To­ba­go."

When con­tact­ed by Guardian Me­dia, Lal­la stat­ed that he has "no in­ten­tion at this time of join­ing any po­lit­i­cal par­ty to con­test any seat." How­ev­er, he added that he will "look for ways to serve."

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