Derek Achong
Senior Reporter
Lawyers have questioned why a State of Emergency (SoE) was proclaimed by the Government without regulations being in place.
When the SoE was announced by Minister of National Security Fitzgerald Hinds and acting Attorney General Stuart Young yesterday morning, Young stated that associated regulations, which would define the additional powers afforded to law enforcement officers, were drafted and would be published within hours.
However, the regulations were not published up to 6 pm yesterday.
In a telephone interview, Senior Counsel Israel Khan said, “They panicked. They should have quietly advised the president and put everything in place.”
Khan questioned whether the delay would hamper the effectiveness of the SoE.
“Don’t you think by the time they reach the hotspots, all the firearms disappear?” Khan said.
“If that happens it would turn out to be nothing but a joke,” he said.
Despite his concerns, Khan welcomed the move as he noted that the Criminal Bar Association (CBA) that he heads has been calling for a SoE to address rampant violent crime since earlier this year.
“While the SoE is very much too late, it is nevertheless welcomed,” he said.
Khan criticised Prime Minister Dr Keith Rowley for repeatedly dismissing the measure in the past.
“Now that the killings are totally out of control, and the enlightened, non-aligned people are demanding his removal from office, he has finally gotten some sense in his head,” Khan said.
Asked if he believed the police would make a large number of arrests during the SoE as was done during one implemented by the People’s Partnership government in 2011, Khan said no, as he noted that he headed a team of senior counsel that was retained to advise the police on over 200 cases in which persons were charged for being gang members.
Khan pointed out that most of the cases were discontinued by the Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) after it was discovered that evidence collected against the alleged gang members could not be used as such was collected before gang legislation was proclaimed.
“That would not repeat itself. I think what they are doing now is not so much to arrest people for committing acts of violence and being gang members. I think what they are hoping to do is seize as many powerful firearms as possible, and if that is done, it would be somewhat successful,” Khan said.
Contacted yesterday, Larry Lalla, SC, also took issue with the delay in publishing the regulations.
“It is difficult to comment comprehensively until the regulations which accompany the SoE are published,” he said.
Lalla explained that the regulations would help define the constitutional rights of citizens that would be suspended under the SoE.
“The regulations will guide citizens as to interactions with the police, what they can expect to happen, and how they could expect the police to interact with them and what rights are being taken away,” Lalla said.
He also dismissed public criticism that a lack of a curfew would render the SoE ineffective.
“That is not necessarily so,” he said.
Lalla said that the ability of the police to detain suspected criminals and search properties without a warrant could be a useful tool for police officers.
“Even without a curfew, a state of emergency is potentially a very powerful weapon in the hands of the police,” he said.
“As a country, we have to wait to see how effectively the police would be able to use this new weapon that they have been afforded by the government,” he added.
In a statement, attorney Kiel Taklalsingh questioned the need for and logic of an SoE.
Stating that the powers granted under an SoE are already part of existing law, Taklalsingh said, “For instance, we were told that this SoE is needed because the police require extraordinary powers to search premises and arrest persons. Firstly, it is a straightforward process to obtain a search warrant to search premises, and judicial officers grant these warrants as a matter of course.”
“Secondly, it is already the law that the police can arrest and detain persons if they have reasonable suspicion that someone has committed an offence or is about to commit an offence,” he added.
He stated that crime could not be addressed through short-term fixes such as a SoE.
“It requires a bold and systemic overhaul of our criminal justice system,” he said.
He recommended that the government should focus on ensuring criminal cases move from charge to trial in three to six months to address promotion issues in the T&T Police Service (TTPS) and address the root cause of the proliferation of illegal firearms.
“What intelligence measures and scanning systems are in place at our legal ports to prevent such smuggling? These are the questions that demand urgency,” he said.
In a statement, criminal defence attorney Wayne Sturge, who represented dozens of detainees during the last SoE and has been recently selected by the United National Congress (UNC) to contest next year’s general election, pointed out that the last SoE was strongly criticised by Rowley while he was opposition leader.
“Isn’t it ironic that the exact same reason given for this SoE is the exact same reason for the 2011 SoE and which was roundly criticised by Dr Rowley as not being a valid reason and which he deemed not justifiable and which he claimed would be a monumental failure,” Sturge said.
“It again demonstrates his poor understanding of what is required to have sustainable reduction in violent crime,” he added.