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Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Man wearing wig robs accountant


Radhica De Silva
22 days ago


A man wear­ing a long black wig robbed a 49-year-old ac­count de­vel­op­er at gun­point on Sat­ur­day morn­ing as she con­duct­ed sales at her busi­ness place, Kristy’s Mi­ni Mart, lo­cat­ed at St Croix Road, Princes Town.

In­ves­ti­ga­tors said around 10:30 am, the vic­tim, Kristy Harb­ha­jan, was ap­proached by a man dressed in an or­ange cov­er­all jack­et, black jeans, Nike slip­pers, and a long black wig. The sus­pect had a firearm.

He an­nounced a rob­bery, steal­ing a quan­ti­ty of as­sort­ed cig­a­rettes and $676 in cash, rep­re­sent­ing the day’s sales.

He then fled on foot in­to a bushy area op­po­site the busi­ness. Of­fi­cers from the Princes Town Po­lice Dis­trict, led by PC Ay­ers, re­spond­ed to the in­ci­dent and searched the near­by area.

They then ar­rest­ed the sus­pect. He is ex­pect­ed to be charged with rob­bery with ag­gra­va­tion and will ap­pear be­fore a Princes Town Mag­is­trate on Mon­day.


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