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Sunday, February 23, 2025

Missing Miya Marcano’s body found


1239 days ago
Miya Marcano.

Miya Marcano.

The body of 19-year-old Miya Mar­cano, who had been miss­ing since Sep­tem­ber 24, was found yes­ter­day morn­ing.

Her body was dis­cov­ered near the di­lap­i­dat­ed Tym­ber Skan apart­ments around 10:45 am, Or­ange Coun­ty Sher­iff John Mi­na said at a press con­fer­ence.

Mi­na said the cell phone of the prime sus­pect, 27-year-old Ar­man­do Ca­ballero, pinged in the area and sher­iff’s of­fice search par­ties start­ed in­ves­ti­gat­ing the area first thing yes­ter­day morn­ing.

In­ves­ti­ga­tors be­lieve that Ca­ballero, a main­te­nance work­er at an Or­ange Coun­ty com­plex, the Ar­den Vil­las, who Mar­cano re­peat­ed­ly re­buffed his ro­man­tic ad­vances, used a mas­ter key on Sep­tem­ber 24 to en­ter her apart­ment and abduct her. Ca­ballero was found dead on Sep­tem­ber 27 at a dif­fer­ent apart­ment com­plex in Semi­nole Coun­ty in an ap­par­ent sui­cide. Since then, in­ves­ti­ga­tors have been search­ing across Or­ange, Semi­nole and Vo­lu­sia coun­ties.

An au­top­sy will de­ter­mine a cause of death and a med­ical ex­am­in­er will pos­i­tive­ly iden­ti­fy Mar­cano, though Mi­na said deputies were cer­tain it was her as her purse with her ID was found.

Mar­cano was last seen around 5 pm on Sep­tem­ber 24 at Ar­den Vil­las apart­ments where she lived. She was sup­posed to board a flight to South Flori­da where she was orig­i­nal­ly from but nev­er made it.

Fam­i­ly at­tor­ney: Miya's death 100 per cent pre­ventable

Fol­low­ing Or­ange Coun­ty Sher­iff De­part­ment Sher­iff John Mi­na's press con­fer­ence, at­tor­ney for the Mar­cano fam­i­ly, Daryl K Wash­ing­ton's re­sponse was sent to the Sun­day Guardian yes­ter­day.

Wash­ing­ton said “Learn­ing the news of 19-year-old Miya’s dis­ap­pear­ance has been in­cred­i­bly dis­heart­en­ing. It is every par­ent’s worst night­mare. We’re be­yond dis­ap­point­ed with the news that she has been found dead and we along with her fam­i­ly, friends and loved ones mourn for such a beau­ti­ful young la­dy with a promis­ing fu­ture.

"We do want to thank the Or­ange Coun­ty Sher­iff’s De­part­ment, Flori­da De­part­ment of Law En­force­ment, the FBI, and every­one who has con­tributed to find­ing Miya.

"We want to stress that we be­lieve that her dis­ap­pear­ance and con­se­quen­tial death was 100 per cent pre­ventable and we in­tend to hold those re­spon­si­ble ac­count­able to the full ex­tent of the law." He said poli­cies must be in place to al­ways pro­tect women.

Mem­bers of the le­gal team asked that the me­dia and pub­lic con­tin­ue to re­spect the pri­va­cy of the fam­i­ly as they grieve. Wash­ing­ton an­nounced that the fam­i­ly will not be speak­ing with any me­dia at this time. How­ev­er, the team will up­date the me­dia with ad­di­tion­al in­for­ma­tion in the com­ing days.

When Mar­cano, the daugh­ter of pop­u­lar Mi­a­mi-based DJ Mar­lon Mar­cano aka DJ Eter­nal Vibes was ini­tial­ly re­port­ed miss­ing, the Caribbean and US-based so­ca com­mu­ni­ty showed their sol­i­dar­i­ty and sup­port for Miya.

The teenag­er was well-liked by many peo­ple and not just in the so­ca com­mu­ni­ty, and those who were friends with her fa­ther who is orig­i­nal­ly from Trinidad.

Among the artistes who lent their voice and sup­port on so­cial me­dia to find Mar­cano were Nailah Black­man, Fay-Ann Lyons-Al­varez, Bun­ji Gar­lin, Farmer Nap­py, Aaron “Voice” St Louis, and Skin­ny Fab­u­lous.


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