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Thursday, March 27, 2025

NLCB audit, director sent on leave


1951 days ago
Prime Minister Dr Keith Rowley sepaking during parliament sitting yesterday.

Prime Minister Dr Keith Rowley sepaking during parliament sitting yesterday.

Abraham Diaz

The act­ing di­rec­tor of the Na­tion­al Lot­ter­ies Con­trol Board (NL­CB) has gone on two weeks’ leave to al­low the Fi­nance Min­istry’s Cen­tral Au­dit unit to probe trans­ac­tions and pay­ments in­volv­ing Lot­to agents at­tached to the NL­CB.

Prime Min­is­ter Kei­th Row­ley re­vealed this yes­ter­day in Par­lia­ment in re­sponse to ques­tions from the Op­po­si­tion. But he gave no de­tails.

How­ev­er yes­ter­day UNC ac­tivist De­vant Ma­haraj, via a state­ment, called for the Fi­nance Min­istry to probe the sit­u­a­tion re­gard­ing cer­tain Lot­to agents and al­leged ac­tiv­i­ties in­clud­ing monies owed to NL­CB.

Ma­haraj claimed NL­CB’s Board had re­ceived a pre-ac­tion pro­to­col let­ter from a Lot­to agent on is­sues and NL­CB’s Board on Mon­day had de­cid­ed to ex­am­ine the sit­u­a­tion.

Re­spond­ing to oth­er Op­po­si­tion queries on the pro­vi­sion of state lands for for­mer Petrotrin work­ers, Row­ley said this re­quired iden­ti­fi­ca­tion and prepa­ra­tion of lands in­clud­ing rel­e­vant ap­provals and in­fra­struc­ture. Once this is fin­ished, he said, spots would be avail­able.

“It’s not an overnight thing,” he said, adding that a team-com­pris­ing HDC and oth­er of­fi­cials were work­ing on the is­sue.

Ques­tioned on the fur­ther dis­tri­b­u­tion of lands for for­mer Ca­roni (1975) Lim­it­ed work­ers, Row­ley said 4,274 were com­plet­ed and 230 leas­es were to be done once peo­ple were iden­ti­fied and found. Four­teen sites are in­volved in lit­i­ga­tion and probes.

He said by Gov­ern­ment was aim­ing to en­sure that 355 of those leas­es would be dis­trib­uted by the be­gin­ning of 2020 and by May 2020 a fur­ther 900 leas­es would be giv­en out. Af­ter that 2,271 sites would be avail­able.

Row­ley al­so said Cab­i­net was told on Thurs­day that lawyers are fi­nal­is­ing ne­go­ti­a­tions for the new op­er­a­tor of the Mag­dale­na Grand ho­tel.

One doc­u­ment is be­ing fi­nalised and on com­ple­tion of that “in the very near fu­ture, this month—in the next few days” Gov­ern­ment ex­pect­ed the op­er­a­tor, Ap­ple Leisure would be in a “po­si­tion to ex­e­cute.”

On the ques­tion of com­pen­sa­tion for the team which in­ves­ti­gat­ed the Dar­ryl Smith mat­ter, Row­ley de­nied that the Jacque­line Wil­son team which ex­am­ined al­le­ga­tions of sex­u­al mis­con­duct at the Sports Min­istry re­ceived any com­pen­sa­tion.

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