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Thursday, March 27, 2025

Nurses want forensic ward moved out of St Ann’s Hospital


42 days ago
The Forensic Ward at the St Ann’s Hospital

The Forensic Ward at the St Ann’s Hospital


Se­nior Re­porter

Pres­i­dent of the T&T Na­tion­al Nurs­ing As­so­ci­a­tion Idi Stu­art is call­ing for the Foren­sic Ward to be re­moved from the St Ann’s Psy­chi­atric Hos­pi­tal af­ter two men es­caped on Wednes­day.

Stu­art says with an em­ploy­ee-to-in­mate ra­tio of one to 15, it is a se­cu­ri­ty risk that should have been ad­dressed a long time ago.

The Foren­sic Ward is where ac­cused pris­on­ers are held and eval­u­at­ed.

On Wednes­day, se­cu­ri­ty per­son­nel at St Ann’s Hos­pi­tal were con­duct­ing rou­tine checks around 5.30 am when they dis­cov­ered that Ever­son Hazel­wood and Joshua Gar­raway were miss­ing.

The two have been charged with mur­der and rob­bery with vi­o­lence.

In 2011, then head of the psy­chi­atric nurs­es unit at the hos­pi­tal Dave Sookram, pe­ti­tioned then high court judge An­tho­ny Car­mona to have the ward moved to a prison. He added then that there were 41 pa­tients in the ward.

Speak­ing on the in­ci­dent yes­ter­day, Stu­art said if the ward is not moved, se­cu­ri­ty must be im­proved.

“Over the years, and this is in ex­cess of 30 years, this ar­gu­ment has been prof­fered to move that Foren­sic Ward out of the hos­pi­tal. It’s way too dan­ger­ous. But in the ab­sence of that, there must be more strin­gent safe­ty mea­sures. And def­i­nite­ly, I don’t think any­one would ex­pect one reg­is­tered men­tal nurse to pre­vent these crim­i­nals from es­cap­ing. You have to have your wits about you. You can’t make an er­ror,” Stu­art said.

Stu­art, a psy­chi­atric nurse, ex­plained the ward is some­what like a prison with­in a hos­pi­tal, which is nor­mal­ly manned by one nurse, es­pe­cial­ly at night. He ac­cused the Gov­ern­ment of fail­ing to at­tract and main­tain nurs­es in gen­er­al, specif­i­cal­ly men­tal health nurs­es es­pe­cial­ly men, re­sult­ing in fe­male nurs­es hav­ing to treat and guard men­tal­ly un­sta­ble men charged with crim­i­nal of­fences.

But while Stu­art is call­ing for the ward to be­come part of one of the na­tion’s pris­ons, act­ing Prison Com­mis­sion­er Car­los Cor­raspe said it is not an im­me­di­ate fix as the in­fir­mary can’t han­dle the in­flux of men­tal­ly ill pris­on­ers.

“If that is the plan, then we speak about phys­i­cal ac­com­mo­da­tion be­cause we’re talk­ing about es­tab­lish­ing a foren­sic de­part­ment with­in the prison, which of course will re­quire in­fra­struc­tur­al changes and con­struc­tion to take place.”

He added such a move would al­so re­quire gov­ern­ment in­ter­ven­tion.

Guardian Me­dia con­tact­ed both Na­tion­al Se­cu­ri­ty Fitzger­ald Hinds and Health Min­is­ter Ter­rence Deyals­ingh on the mat­ter. Hinds did not re­spond while Deyals­ingh ad­vised that the chief ex­ec­u­tive of­fi­cer of the North West Re­gion­al Health Au­thor­i­ty (NWRHA) An­tho­ny Blake be con­tact­ed.

Blake promised to re­spond but up to late yes­ter­day evening had not.

Hazel­wood was sent to the fa­cil­i­ty on Feb­ru­ary 3 for 14 days for a psy­chi­atric eval­u­a­tion af­ter he was charged with mur­der. Gar­raway is charged with rob­bery with vi­o­lence.

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