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Sunday, March 9, 2025

Parents, children stage school protest in Claxton Bay


913 days ago
A police officer looks at the debris blocking road as parents and school children protest outside the Claxton Bay Junior Anglican School, on Thursday 8 September 2022. (Image by RISHI RAGOONATH)

A police officer looks at the debris blocking road as parents and school children protest outside the Claxton Bay Junior Anglican School, on Thursday 8 September 2022. (Image by RISHI RAGOONATH)



Po­lice of­fi­cers are at Clax­ton Bay Ju­nior An­gli­can School where par­ents and stu­dents are protest­ing over gov­ern­ment's fail­ure to fix their school. 

With the road blocked with de­bris, par­ents and stu­dents armed with plac­ards shout­ed:

"We need we school right now! We need ed­u­ca­tion right now!" 

A par­ent ex­plained that four years ago, the school build­ing in Clax­ton Bay was shut down due to in­fra­struc­tur­al is­sues and the chil­dren were re­lo­cat­ed to a school in Mara­bel­la.

A young boy holds up a placard that reads: "We no longer want transport. We want our school fixed", during the protest staged at the Claxton Bay Junior Anglican School, on Thursday 8 September 2022. (Image by RISHI RAGOONATH)

A young boy holds up a placard that reads: "We no longer want transport. We want our school fixed", during the protest staged at the Claxton Bay Junior Anglican School, on Thursday 8 September 2022. (Image by RISHI RAGOONATH)

How­ev­er, he said they have is­sues with trans­porta­tion to get their chil­dren to and from school.

"Po­lice chil­dren in school but they send them to block we for we to stop protest­ing, but we chil­dren can’t go to school," he com­plained.  

Send­ing a mes­sage to Ed­u­ca­tion Min­is­ter Dr Nyan Gadsy-Dol­ly, the par­ent said:

"Fix this! We want this fix now! Not an­oth­er month. Not an­oth­er year. This not cost­ing no $32 mil­lion.  This is no fire­works thing. This is ed­u­ca­tion for the chil­dren. We want that fix!"

The par­ents com­plained that the Gov­ern­ment had or­gan­ised two shut­tles to trans­port the chil­dren, but due to non-pay­ment, the bus­es nev­er showed on Tues­day. 

Parents and school children protest for the Claxton Bay Junior Anglican School to be repaired, on Thursday 8 September 2022. (Image by RISHI RAGOONATH)

Parents and school children protest for the Claxton Bay Junior Anglican School to be repaired, on Thursday 8 September 2022. (Image by RISHI RAGOONATH)

"Now we have two shut­tle ser­vice run­ning (but) the gov­ern­ment did not pay no shut­tle ser­vice. When the chil­dren re­turn to school Tues­day morn­ing, no bus run­ning. We chil­dren have to go back home. What about par­ents who have two and three chil­dren? an­oth­er par­ent com­plained.

The par­ent added: “We can­not pay trans­port to Mara­bel­la and come back. We done eh have work, the coun­try so hard. Ei­ther we get a new school, or get the shut­tle ser­vice run­ning."


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