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Sunday, March 9, 2025

Parents, Claxton Bay Anglican pupils protest for transport service


Sascha Wilson
894 days ago
Parents and Claxton Bay Junior Anglican School pupils protest yesterday over the Government’s failure to provide school transportation for them.

Parents and Claxton Bay Junior Anglican School pupils protest yesterday over the Government’s failure to provide school transportation for them.


For the sec­ond time since the new school year start­ed, par­ents of chil­dren at­tend­ing the Clax­ton Bay Ju­nior An­gli­can School protest­ed with plac­ards in front of the old school build­ing yes­ter­day.

They com­plained that the Ed­u­ca­tion Min­istry had failed to pro­vide trans­porta­tion for the chil­dren, many of whom have been miss­ing class­es since school re­opened.

In 2019, the school build­ing in Clax­ton Bay was con­demned due to in­fra­struc­tur­al de­fects and the chil­dren re­lo­cat­ed to a school in Mara­bel­la. The par­ents said they were promised trans­porta­tion and a new school build­ing.

Yes­ter­day, how­ev­er, par­ent Bar­ry Alex­is com­plained, “We were asked to pro­vide a list for school trans­port now that the school is re­lo­cat­ed to Mara­bel­la, that list was pro­vid­ed. We are four weeks in, we have not yet got­ten any as­sis­tance where trans­porta­tion is con­cerned for chil­dren who may not be so read­i­ly in­clined or fi­nan­cial­ly able to trav­el from Clax­ton Bay to Mara­bel­la.”

He said the dis­tance pos­es a great chal­lenge for par­ents/guardians.

“We have par­ents out here who are not work­ing, some of them are sin­gle-par­ent homes, some of them have mul­ti­ple chil­dren that have to go this dis­tance. We would have writ­ten to the min­is­ter di­rect­ly and reached out to her on Face­book, ini­ti­at­ed a pe­ti­tion and we will con­tin­ue to do all with­in our pow­er as par­ents to plead with the pow­ers at be to lis­ten to our plight,” Alex­is said.

Not­ing that the min­is­ter has been tour­ing var­i­ous schools, he in­vit­ed her to vis­it their school and “feel the pain of the chil­dren.”

Lament­ing that protest­ing seems to be the on­ly way they could get their mes­sage across, he said par­ents are ask­ing the An­gli­can Board and the min­is­ter to meet, dis­cuss the way for­ward and take ac­tion.

An­oth­er par­ent, Sher­ry Stephen, ex­plained that it costs $30 dai­ly in pub­lic trans­porta­tion per child from Clax­ton Bay junc­tion to the school in Mara­bel­la.

Not­ing that on­ly 40 stu­dents turned out to school last Fri­day, she said that par­ents were not be­ing delin­quent but just can­not af­ford to send their chil­dren to school.

Con­tact­ed for a com­ment yes­ter­day, Ed­u­ca­tion Min­is­ter Dr Nyan Gads­by-Dol­ly ex­plained that they are try­ing to source a con­ces­sion­aire to work the route.

She said, “PTSC has had dif­fi­cul­ty sourc­ing a con­ces­sion­aire to ac­cept the route, which has led to the un­for­tu­nate de­lay. They con­tin­ue to seek con­ces­sion­aires,” she ex­plained.

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