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Thursday, March 13, 2025

PM: T&T still not out of the woods although schools have reopened


1058 days ago
 Prime Minister Dr Keith Rowley

Prime Minister Dr Keith Rowley


Prime Min­is­ter Dr Kei­th Row­ley has cau­tioned that al­though schools are re-open­ing for face-to-face class­es af­ter two years due to the COVID-19 pan­dem­ic, “we are still not out of the woods yet.”

In a state­ment post­ed on his Face­book page yes­ter­day, Row­ley, who left for Bar­ba­do­son Tues­day, said school chil­dren were re­turn­ing to class­rooms af­ter al­most two years of ex­pe­ri­enc­ing the “worst trau­ma, stress, and over­all de­pri­va­tion in their de­vel­op­ment.”

“The pan­dem­ic has made de­mands on our young ones that none of the rest of us have ever been called up­on to deal with,” he said.

“We wish them all God’s bless­ings and guid­ance as they re­trieve their de­vel­op­ment path­ways. Our coun­try’s fu­ture de­pends on their pro­tec­tion and their suc­cess.”

Row­ley im­plored all cit­i­zens to re­mem­ber that “we are still not out of the woods yet.”

“The pan­dem­ic is still a very re­al threat, and our in­di­vid­ual co­op­er­a­tion is re­quired to ame­lio­rate its ef­fects. It’s a good, long-await­ed day. Let us ac­knowl­edge its sig­nif­i­cance and con­tin­ue work­ing dili­gent­ly and re­spon­si­bly to­wards even bet­ter days,” the PM said.

“Our chil­dren hold our promise and they de­serve all our sup­port. Watch them go. Help them grow.”

Ear­li­er, Ed­u­ca­tion Min­is­ter Dr Nyan Gads­by-Dol­ly wished pupils all the best on their first day back to phys­i­cal school af­ter be­ing home for two years.

Al­so us­ing her Face­book page to send her mes­sage she wrote: “While some stu­dents were out for ex­ams, along with the fourth and sixth for­m­ers, all stu­dents can make their way back out to the phys­i­cal class­room based on the ad­vice from the of­fi­cials of the Min­istry of Health.”

Gads­by-Dol­ly said it was time stu­dents come back out and so­cialise, as the past two years have been very dif­fi­cult for them and their par­ents.

She ex­pressed con­fi­dence that par­ents and teach­ers will be con­stant­ly re­mind­ing stu­dents how to be safe, how to ob­serve the three Ws (wash hands, wear masks, watch dis­tance), all of which she said “are still very im­por­tant.”

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