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Sunday, February 23, 2025

Pregnant woman homeless after house fire


Shastri Boodan
1457 days ago
Vicky Boodram, right, and her two children Neela Kay and Noah Boodram.

Vicky Boodram, right, and her two children Neela Kay and Noah Boodram.

Adrian Boodan

Shas­tri Boodan

A preg­nant woman and her fam­i­ly are home­less af­ter her shack on a river­bank was torched on Thurs­day.

Vicky Boodram, 36, who is eight months preg­nant said around 3 pm her house on Riv­er Branch Trace, Kel­ly Vil­lage was torched.

Boodram said at that point she con­tem­plat­ed sui­cide be­cause she was so fed up of the hard­ships of life.

Jack shared the shack with her daugh­ter Neela Kay, 13, and son Noah Boodram,2, her com­mon-law hus­band Ar­jun Ramdeen.

Boodram said she moved in­to the com­mu­ni­ty last year and was un­able to pay rent.

Boodram said she and her fam­i­ly moved in­to the home of a neigh­bour but had to leave. Vil­lagers con­tributed funds for the fam­i­ly to build a house on the river­bank not far from a hog pen.

The remains of Vicky Boodram’s home on the riverbank at Kelly Village.

The remains of Vicky Boodram’s home on the riverbank at Kelly Village.

Adrian Boodan

How­ev­er, the fam­i­ly had an al­ter­ca­tion with a vil­lager re­gard­ing the spot where they were squat­ting.

Neela, a stu­dent of the St Au­gus­tine Sec­ondary School, is un­able to do any school work since she does not have a tablet, nei­ther a home, nor ac­cess to the in­ter­net.

Life has been no bed of ros­es for Vicky, she left an abu­sive re­la­tion­ship and moved from house to house be­fore meet­ing Ramdeen. The cou­ple had nowhere to stay with Noah and lived in a pavil­ion at Knowles Street, Curepe for five months be­fore mov­ing to Kel­ly Vil­lage.

Na­dia Jack, spokesman for a com­mu­ni­ty group Wings of Change Foun­da­tion, said vil­lagers felt sor­ry for the fam­i­ly and con­tributed what­ev­er they had to as­sist them. Jack said they are in need of food and cloth­ing and build­ing ma­te­ri­als. Jack said an­oth­er vil­lager has giv­en them a plot of land to squat on in a dif­fer­ent lo­ca­tion and the fam­i­ly needs build­ing ma­te­ri­als. Jack can be con­tact­ed at 302-5166.

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