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Wednesday, March 26, 2025

President assents to THA’s amended Act


Camille McEachnie
1467 days ago
Her Excellency Paula-Mae Weekes, President of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago, as she addressed the newly sworn in Assemblymen in the Tobago House of Assembly (THA), on Thursday January 28, 2021.   Picture courtesy the Assembly Legislature of the Tobago House of Assembly

Her Excellency Paula-Mae Weekes, President of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago, as she addressed the newly sworn in Assemblymen in the Tobago House of Assembly (THA), on Thursday January 28, 2021. Picture courtesy the Assembly Legislature of the Tobago House of Assembly

Pres­i­dent Paula-Mae Weekes as­sent­ed to the To­ba­go House of As­sem­bly (Amend­ment) Act 2021 on March 16, 2021, mak­ing the leg­is­la­tion, passed in the Low­er House—Feb­ru­ary 19 and Sen­ate- March 2, law.

This paves the way for fresh elec­tions in To­ba­go af­ter the Elec­tions and Bound­aries Com­mis­sion (EBC) re­ports to Par­lia­ment on how it di­vid­ed the in­creased num­ber of elec­toral dis­tricts from 12 to 15.

The Act said the EBC has to cre­ate 15 seats with­in 90 days of the Act’s procla­ma­tion.

It al­so in­cludes a mech­a­nism to break the ex­ist­ing dead­lock that oc­curred as the Peo­ple’s Na­tion­al Move­ment (PNM) and Pro­gres­sive De­mo­c­ra­t­ic Pa­tri­ots (PDP) won six seats each in the Jan­u­ary 25 To­ba­go House of As­sem­bly elec­tions.

The stale­mate in the THA con­tin­ues as the par­ties have not solved how to con­vene the As­sem­bly and cre­ate a new ad­min­is­tra­tion.

Two To­ba­go busi­ness­women, rep­re­sent­ing ma­jor busi­ness or­gan­i­sa­tions on the is­land said the sit­u­a­tion can­not con­tin­ue.

Di­ane Hadad, head of the To­ba­go Chap­ter of the Trinidad and To­ba­go Cham­ber of In­dus­try and Com­merce (TTCIC) and Car­ol-Ann Birch­wood-James, vice-pres­i­dent of the To­ba­go Ho­tel and Tourism As­so­ci­a­tion, both say it is time for the par­ties to get back to the pro­posed pow­er-shar­ing ne­go­ti­a­tion ta­ble with me­di­a­tors.

Af­ter the par­ties’ first in-per­son meet­ing end­ed with dis­cord on March 17, the PDP called for an­oth­er meet­ing on March 22 with in­de­pen­dent ne­go­tia­tors.

The PNM said it is will­ing to meet but did not say whether it had agreed on the date or me­di­a­tors.

Hadad, a busi­ness­woman, told Guardian Me­dia she has three is­sues with the on­go­ing sit­u­a­tion.

“To­ba­go is in lim­bo. The out­come of the meet­ing showed that To­bag­o­ni­ans needs were not placed first. Al­so, they should have been a sound mind sit­ting in those meet­ings do­ing me­di­a­tion. I would hate to think that we are be­ing played, and it’s a gim­micky game go­ing on. It seems that peo­ple are play­ing for time to en­sure that they get their way. This caus­es suf­fer­ing for To­bag­o­ni­ans.”

She con­tin­ued, “It seems as though some peo­ple want to con­trol and place their peo­ple in places to get what they want to be done or cov­er their tracks for what they did.”

Birch­wood-James, who al­so owns and con­trols a large beach re­sort in To­ba­go said the cur­rent sit­u­a­tion is “un­ten­able.”

She said the PDP and PNM must meet again, but this time with a “skilled ne­go­tia­tor.”

“The 12 as­sem­bly­men must come to­geth­er with a chief ne­go­tia­tor. An ex­pe­ri­enced ne­go­tia­tor knows what to do to con­clude and de­cide whether there is any ba­sis for go­ing for­ward. They just can’t talk among them­selves.”

She added, “If you have no win­ners and no losers, you can­not have one set of peo­ple be­hav­ing as though they are win­ners. That is not good for democ­ra­cy.”

Mean­while, in a re­lease on Fri­day, March 19, the PNM said the THA’s Act #40 of 1996 would dic­tate the talks’ out­come.

It said the PDP has agreed to sup­port the PNM’s quest to fill the chief sec­re­tary and pre­sid­ing of­fi­cers po­si­tions.

It al­so said that based on the THA Act, the chief sec­re­tary is re­spon­si­ble for choos­ing the Sec­re­taries and as­sis­tant sec­re­taries.

The PDP on Wednes­day said it would not agree to the PNM de­ter­min­ing who is placed in po­si­tions.

“No six is greater than any six...and the PNM can­not be­have as though they are in con­trol.”

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