Akash Samaroo
The Minister of Finance confirms that the Government will implement Property Tax for residential properties “in the calendar year 2022.”
The statement was made in the Lower House this afternoon.
But when in 2022? That question was posed to Minister Imbert by Opposition Member of Parliament, Saddam Hosein.
“Before the 31st of December, 2022,” Minister Imbert said.
On May 6, Minister Imbert said there are 400,000 residential properties and the Commissioner of Valuations has received return forms for 247,999 where residential land is concerned. That triggered the 50% requirement needed for the rollout of the tax.
But Minister Imbert was asked what penalties will non-compliant citizens face and if there was any consideration of waiving the $5000 fine for not submitting the documentation.
“All of the answers to that question will be found in the relevant legislation whether the state can waive the fine or not,” Minister Imbert said.
Guardian Media was reliably informed that the laws do not speak to the waiving of fines.