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Friday, February 28, 2025

Ramdial wants PM to apologise


Sascha Wilson
1990 days ago
Couva North MP Ramona Ramdial

Couva North MP Ramona Ramdial


Cou­va North MP Ra­mona Ram­di­al is call­ing on Prime Min­is­ter Dr Kei­th Row­ley to apol­o­gise to women for his con­stant women-sham­ing com­ments.

Ram­di­al did so as she strong­ly con­demned the prime min­is­ter’s “lat­est misog­y­nis­tic anal­o­gy which de­grad­ed Op­po­si­tion Leader, Kam­la Per­sad-Bisses­sar when he com­pared her to a yard fowl "hav­ing pip" and so be­ing un­able to speak.”

Row­ley made the re­mark on Mon­day at a news con­fer­ence at the Diplo­mat­ic Cen­tre when asked his thoughts on Per­sad-Biss­esar’s si­lence re­gard­ing a claim that she tipped off Port of Spain South MP Mar­lene Mc­Don­ald about her ar­rest.

In a press re­lease on Tues­day, Ram­di­al in­di­cat­ed when­ev­er the prime min­is­ter has been “backed in­to a cor­ner and asked to com­ment on his gov­ern­ment's in­com­pe­tence and mis­han­dling of state af­fairs, his 'go-to' de­fence is to at­tack and blame the Op­po­si­tion Leader and her gen­der.”

“Prime Min­is­ter Row­ley will go down in the his­to­ry books as be­ing the first Prime Min­is­ter to pub­licly at­tack the women of Trinidad and To­ba­go in such an in­ces­sant­ly de­grad­ing man­ner. Prime Min­is­ter Kei­th Row­ley is no role mod­el for our young men when it comes to show­ing how men should treat women.”

She al­so ac­cused the PNM Women's Arm of de­fend­ing Row­ley’s pre­vi­ous misog­y­nis­tic re­marks and pre­dict­ed that they will al­so come to this de­fence in this lat­est in­sult. “If any­thing at all, one of the roles of the PNM Women's Arm should be to san­i­tize the Prime Min­is­ter's speech­es be­fore he de­liv­ers them!"

She re­mind­ed the prime min­is­ter “that when he speaks like this, he is in fact at­tack­ing all the women of Trinidad and To­ba­go and set­ting a poor ex­am­ple for the youth of our na­tion.”

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