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Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Retired Major General Ralph Brown dies


325 days ago
Former Chief of Defence Force Ret Ralph Brown

Former Chief of Defence Force Ret Ralph Brown


Re­tired Trinidad and To­ba­go De­fence Force Ma­jor Gen­er­al Ralph Brown has died.

News of Brown’s death was shared by fam­i­ly and friends on so­cial me­dia yes­ter­day.

Brown was the Chief of the De­fence Staff dur­ing the 1990 at­tempt­ed coup by the Ja­maat-al-Mus­limeen and had to com­man­deer his troops to bring an end to the six-day siege and se­cure the re­lease of the hostages held at the Red House and TTT by the now-de­ceased Ja­maat leader Yasin Abu Bakr and his in­sur­rec­tion­ists.

Brown nev­er for­gave Abu Bakr for that dark mo­ment in T&T’s his­to­ry and had held a dim view of the Mus­lim leader, which he (Brown) made very pub­lic.

He was of­ten the go-to per­son for in­for­ma­tion re­lat­ed to the af­fairs of the army but was al­so versed in avi­a­tion and served as chair­man of the Trinidad and To­ba­go Civ­il Avi­a­tion Au­thor­i­ty from 2004-2010.

For his life­long work and com­mit­ment to na­tion­al ser­vice, Brown was award­ed the Cha­co­nia Medal (Gold) in 2019.

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