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Wednesday, March 26, 2025

Rowley reveals ‘painful moments’ he chose duty over family


9 days ago
Outgoing Prime Minister Dr Keith Rowley stands with candidates for the upcoming general elections after they were presented during the PNM’s special convention at the Auditorium, City Hall, Port-of-Spain, yesterday.

Outgoing Prime Minister Dr Keith Rowley stands with candidates for the upcoming general elections after they were presented during the PNM’s special convention at the Auditorium, City Hall, Port-of-Spain, yesterday.


As he bid farewell to the hun­dreds of Peo­ple’s Na­tion­al Move­ment sup­port­ers and mem­bers gath­ered at City Hall, Port-of-Spain, yes­ter­day, out­go­ing prime min­is­ter Dr Kei­th Row­ley dis­played a soft­er side.

It re­flect­ed one in which he had to sac­ri­fice per­son­al mat­ters for the greater good of the coun­try.

Stand­ing at the podi­um dur­ing a spe­cial con­ven­tion of the PNM, a more sub­dued Row­ley shared, “I can’t un­der­stand some­times when I think about it why peo­ple are sur­prised that I’m walk­ing away from the au­thor­i­ty of the of­fice of prime min­is­ter.

“Be­cause if you know the num­ber of painful mo­ments in there, you’d ask why the hell I didn’t go be­fore,” Row­ley said as he re­called that of­fi­cial du­ties forced him to forego the fu­ner­al of his wife’s fa­ther and the grad­u­a­tion cer­e­mo­ny of his first daugh­ter.

He ex­plained that soon af­ter he got mar­ried, his wife’s fa­ther died but he was not around.

“I left my wife in Trinidad to bury her fa­ther ... and it both­ered me for the rest of my life. When my first daugh­ter grad­u­at­ed from the uni­ver­si­ty I had to miss her grad­u­a­tion be­cause they locked up Oc­c­ah (Oc­c­ah Sea­paul, for­mer House Speak­er) and there was a State of Emer­gency. As Mem­ber of Par­lia­ment and a min­is­ter of gov­ern­ment, I could not go. Those of the kinds of things that stay with you for­ev­er. I have been try­ing to make it up to my wife and daugh­ter. I hope to do that now,” Row­ley said.

How­ev­er, as he switched to elec­tion mode his sig­na­ture com­mand­ing voice “made it very clear” that while he may be mov­ing away from of­fice, he was “not mov­ing away” from his com­mit­ment to T&T.

With the cheers grow­ing loud­er, Row­ley urged par­ty loy­al­ists to make the wise de­ci­sion of re-elect­ing the PNM back in­to pow­er.

“Elec­tion is due any time. All the way down to No­vem­ber, it’s due. You might even have it for Christ­mas.

“But just re­mem­ber, if we do not win the next elec­tion, all that our por­tion will be is an op­po­si­tion leader and six op­po­si­tion sen­a­tors. Every­thing else would have gone to the next gov­ern­ment. So whether you’re in URP, you’re in Cepep, you’re in Pep­si just un­der­stand that,” Row­ley urged.

He added this was not the time about “who like who and who don’t like who” as he ad­vised, “Leave all the lik­ing for your wife and your hus­band and bring com­mon sense and rea­son, fact, en­er­gy, and vi­sion to the bat­tle for po­lit­i­cal pow­er.”

As he urged the “red army” that vic­to­ry needs to be a must for the PNM, Row­ley told them that from “gov­ern­ment to op­po­si­tion” is a short jour­ney.

Fol­low­ing Row­ley’s speech, the par­ty head­ed to Wood­ford Square to present its full slate of 41 can­di­dates.

A part­ing of ways—an­a­lyst

Po­lit­i­cal an­a­lyst Dr Shane Mo­hammed told Guardian Me­dia yes­ter­day that Row­ley’s speech was in­deed a part­ing of ways from an in­ti­mate set­ting with par­ty of­fi­cials and faith­ful.

He not­ed Row­ley ap­pealed to the base of the par­ty in­di­cat­ing all that they have worked for in Gov­ern­ment will be gone if the PNM los­es the elec­tions be­cause in op­po­si­tion all there is “an op­po­si­tion leader and six sen­a­tors.”

Mo­hammed added the PNM al­so showed that the par­ty has closed ranks as it nor­mal­ly does in prepa­ra­tion for elec­tions.

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