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Tuesday, March 25, 2025

Scarborough RC student suspended after violent school incident


Elizabeth Gonzales
4 days ago

Eliz­a­beth Gon­za­les 

The Di­vi­sion of Ed­u­ca­tion, Re­search, and Tech­nol­o­gy has con­firmed that it has sus­pend­ed the stu­dent in­volved in the ag­gres­sive fight and sub­se­quent loss of con­trol at Scar­bor­ough RC School on Tues­day.

The sit­u­a­tion es­ca­lat­ed when the male stu­dent re­port­ed­ly be­came vi­o­lent, prompt­ing the prin­ci­pal to or­der a tem­po­rary lock­down. Teach­ers were in­struct­ed to se­cure their class­rooms while stu­dents re­mained in­side. Con­cerned par­ents were lat­er asked to col­lect their chil­dren, as school of­fi­cials ini­tial­ly re­ferred to the event on­ly as an "in­ci­dent."

On Wednes­day, class­es were dis­rupt­ed as teach­ers re­fused to re­turn to their class­rooms, cit­ing on­go­ing safe­ty con­cerns. Par­ents al­so de­mand­ed the stu­dent's re­moval, de­scrib­ing his be­hav­iour as dan­ger­ous. Ac­cord­ing to re­ports, the stu­dent had pre­vi­ous­ly ex­hib­it­ed ag­gres­sive and un­con­trol­lable be­hav­iour, lead­ing ed­u­ca­tors to raise con­cerns be­fore the lat­est in­ci­dent.

A se­nior po­lice of­fi­cial con­firmed that the dis­tur­bance in­volved two chil­dren and was even­tu­al­ly brought un­der con­trol. How­ev­er, par­ents re­main deeply wor­ried. One par­ent, speak­ing anony­mous­ly, al­leged that the stu­dent had threat­ened oth­ers with weapons, bro­ken bot­tles for stu­dents to run on, and at­tempt­ed to re-en­ter the school af­ter be­ing re­moved.

The Di­vi­sion has as­sured that it is tak­ing the is­sue se­ri­ous­ly, ar­rang­ing fur­ther eval­u­a­tion and sup­port for the stu­dent, in­clud­ing coun­selling and be­hav­iour­al as­sess­ments. While dis­ci­pli­nary ac­tions are in place, of­fi­cials stress that their fo­cus re­mains on ad­dress­ing the root caus­es of the stu­dent's be­hav­iour through a com­pre­hen­sive de­vel­op­ment plan.

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