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Saturday, March 15, 2025

Soca artiste charged with sexual offences


1758 days ago
Kimba Sorzano, soca artiste. (Image: Kimba Sorzano Facebook)

Kimba Sorzano, soca artiste. (Image: Kimba Sorzano Facebook)



So­ca artiste Kim­ba Sorzano was grant­ed $85,000 bail af­ter he ap­peared be­fore a Point Fortin mag­is­trate to­day (Fri­day) charged with two sex­u­al of­fences.

The so­ca artiste was not called up­on to plead to the in­dictable charges of at­tempt­ed rape and griev­ous sex­u­al as­sault dur­ing his vir­tu­al court ap­pear­ance.  

Sorzano was ar­rest­ed and charged by WPC Walk­er fol­low­ing a re­port made by the vic­tim. It is al­leged that the crimes were com­mit­ted in Point Fortin in Feb­ru­ary. 

Sorzano, who was ar­rest­ed ear­li­er this week, was rep­re­sent­ed by at­tor­ney Kel­ston Pope.  The court pros­e­cu­tor was Sgt Manoolal.

Fol­low­ing a bail ap­pli­ca­tion by Pope, Se­nior Mag­is­trate Ali­cia Chankar grant­ed Sorzano bail but im­posed sev­er­al con­di­tions.

The so­ca artiste was or­dered to sur­ren­der his pass­port; re­port twice a week at the Ari­ma Po­lice Sta­tion; stay 100 me­ters from the vic­tim; and have no con­tact with her. 

The court mat­ter was ad­journed to June 19.

His at­tor­ney said: "My client main­tains his in­no­cence, he will trust the process and speak freely af­ter his vin­di­ca­tion on the charges brought against him. These mat­ters are now be­fore the court and the rule of sub ju­dice will be ob­served. We will make no futher com­ment at this time."

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