Renowned calypsonian Slinger Francisco has been opening his shows with the autobiographical Sparrow Dead since he returned to the entertainment circuit in New York on Sunday.
On July 28, Francisco, aka Sparrow, underwent emergency surgery at a private hospital in Maryland, United States. He had suffered acute pain on the right groin after performing. Calypso researcher Alvin Daniell says Francisco, 75, told him he was back on the job and titillating the audiences with Sparrow Dead. The song was written in the 60s after rumours circulated Francisco had "kicked the bucket". Daniell said: "Sparrow will be performing in Toronto. Last night (Monday) he performed in New York with Calypso Rose and Gregory Isaacs. He has been opening show after show with Sparrow Dead. The response has been fantastic.
"He is spirited and positive and sounded a lot like his old self. He is well rested and feeling a little better," added Daniell. Meanwhile, his doctors were still monitoring his health but they are not alarmed at present. Among the doctors who are assisting Francisco at Maryland were Patricia Sandiford, Jacinta Arrington and Roger Weir. Dr Felix Oviasu, who is based at Long Island, New York, also has been conducting tests.
Recently, Francisco's legions of local fans suffered anxiety after he suffered health problems during his not so perfect performance at the NAPA Fest, Port-of-Spain. Back then, Francisco said it could be vertigo, a condition characterised by dizziness. Among Francisco's gems are Education, Doh Back Back, Saltfish and Mae Mae.