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Sunday, March 9, 2025

St Jude’s Girls gets new home in Diego Martin


Akash Samaroo
649 days ago
A security guard closes the gate to the former St Michael’s Home for Boys compound on the Western Main Road, Diego Martin, yesterday. The facility will now house the St Jude’s Home for Girls.

A security guard closes the gate to the former St Michael’s Home for Boys compound on the Western Main Road, Diego Martin, yesterday. The facility will now house the St Jude’s Home for Girls.


As the Ju­ly 1 dead­line for li­cen­sure draws near­er, prepa­ra­tions to move in­to an­oth­er fa­cil­i­ty have be­gun for both staff and res­i­dents of the St Jude’s Home for Girls.

Guardian Me­dia was in­formed by Min­is­ter in the Of­fice of the Prime Min­is­ter (OPM) with re­spon­si­bil­i­ty for Gen­der and Child Af­fairs, Ayan­na Web­ster-Roy, that the girls and staff, “will be tem­porar­i­ly re­lo­cat­ed to the com­pound of the for­mer St Michael’s (Home for Boys).”

That fa­cil­i­ty, lo­cat­ed along the Diego Mar­tin Main Road, Diego Mar­tin, was closed in 2018 af­ter 129 years of ex­is­tence due to what the OPM de­scribed as a “dras­tic re­duc­tion in the num­ber of res­i­dents.”

St Jude’s Bel­mont lo­ca­tion has been deemed un­fit due to the age of its in­fra­struc­ture and it has al­ready been de­ter­mined that in its cur­rent state, the fa­cil­i­ty will not meet the re­quire­ments to be li­censed by the new ex­tend­ed dead­line. A fire at the home in late April, which dam­aged the sec­ond floor of a build­ing on the com­pound, was al­so a ma­jor set­back.

How­ev­er, Min­is­ter Web­ster-Roy said yes­ter­day that she is con­fi­dent all chil­dren will be at the new fa­cil­i­ty by Ju­ly 1.

“I can guar­an­tee you that the girls at St Jude’s would be legal­ly ac­com­mo­dat­ed come procla­ma­tion on Ju­ly 1,” the Min­is­ter told Guardian Me­dia via text mes­sage.

The procla­ma­tion the Min­is­ter re­ferred to were sec­tions of the Chil­dren’s Com­mu­ni­ty Res­i­dences, Fos­ter Homes and Nurs­eries Act which make op­er­at­ing a home with­out a li­cense il­le­gal, car­ry­ing with it a fine of $10,000.

While the chair of the St Jude’s Home, Mar­sha Bai­ley, is pleased with the new lo­ca­tion, she un­der­scored that this move re­quires more than just the pack­ing up of per­son­al items and equip­ment.

“We have to get the pre­req­ui­sites go-ahead from the courts be­cause as you know, most of these girls are here by court or­der and be­cause of the court or­der, we have to be spe­cif­ic and go back to court to let them know be­cause of par­tic­u­lar chal­lenges and the fire, which was one of the main rea­sons that we are mov­ing, we would like to dis­cuss with them and get their ap­proval as to where the girls will now be be­cause that will have to be changed in the court or­der,” Bai­ley ex­plained.

How­ev­er, Bai­ley is op­ti­mistic that the change in phys­i­cal en­vi­ron­ment will be a ma­jor as­set in un­lock­ing the po­ten­tial of the res­i­dents.

“It’s an ex­cel­lent fa­cil­i­ty, the girls will now be giv­en the op­por­tu­ni­ty to have a dif­fer­ent type of pro­gramme be­cause the spac­ing is dif­fer­ent. I am hap­py with the work that has been done, we were lim­it­ed and cramped for space in Bel­mont but at this fa­cil­i­ty, we can now look at more sport­ing ac­tiv­i­ties and there’s a space for an au­dio-vi­su­al room.”

Bai­ley said over the last two weeks they have been reg­is­ter­ing their as­sets, pack­ing box­es and map­ping out where each per­son will be moved to. She ad­mit­ted that “one set of ap­provals” is still out­stand­ing but she is con­fi­dent that will be sort­ed out be­fore the Ju­ly 1 dead­line.

Guardian Me­dia was told that the en­tire pop­u­la­tion of around 65 girls will be moved to the Diego Mar­tin fa­cil­i­ty, in­clud­ing the chil­dren who are in need of su­per­vi­sion or CHINS.

“There is a pro­pos­al to have the CHINS sep­a­rat­ed from the chil­dren who have care mat­ters so we are still look­ing to be able to find suit­able ac­com­mo­da­tions and not just a fa­cil­i­ty, so once that part hap­pens we may have to find an­oth­er type of ac­com­mo­da­tions but for the time be­ing all the girls will be on the same com­pound but it al­lows us to house the girls ac­cord­ing to their spe­cif­ic needs and chal­lenges.”

On May 17, Min­is­ter of Youth De­vel­op­ment and Na­tion­al Ser­vice, Fos­ter Cum­mings, told Guardian Me­dia that Cab­i­net has ap­point­ed an ad­vi­so­ry com­mit­tee to help de­vel­op a pol­i­cy and pro­gramme for fe­male CHINS.

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