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Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Teen killed in Couva


Anna-Lisa Paul
37 days ago
Sherryann Roett’s son Christopher Beharry was killed on Friday. Roett was killed a month ago.

Sherryann Roett’s son Christopher Beharry was killed on Friday. Roett was killed a month ago.

Se­nior Re­porter


Less than two months af­ter Sher­ryann Roet was found hang­ing at Car­li Bay, Cou­va—one of her teenage sons was killed af­ter be­ing shot in the face by a gun­man on Fri­day in what is be­lieved to be part of an on­go­ing fam­i­ly dis­pute.

Christo­pher Be­har­ry, 16, of Ram­lal Trace, Chick­land, Up­per Cara­pichaima, was shot around 4.23 pm on Jan­u­ary 31, as he was in a car with his fa­ther and broth­er.

Be­har­ry, a Form Four stu­dent of the Cou­va East Sec­ondary School, lat­er died at the hos­pi­tal.

Re­ports in­di­cate the trio were on their way home around 3.55 pm on Fri­day when they were ap­proached by an East In­di­an male who was armed with a sawed-off shot­gun. The killer re­port­ed­ly point­ed the gun at the dri­ver, who re­act­ed by quick­ly lean­ing back, fol­low­ing which a sin­gle shot was heard.

As the sus­pect ran off, Be­har­ry’s fa­ther re­alised his son had been shot in the head and im­me­di­ate­ly drove to the Cou­va Health Fa­cil­i­ty.

Be­har­ry was lat­er pro­nounced dead at 4.36 pm. Re­ports in­di­cate the three were head­ed home, and as they drove in­to their yard, the gun­man walked up and opened fire.

Po­lice have de­clared the mo­tive be­hind Be­har­ry’s mur­der as re­venge. Be­har­ry’s 47-year-old moth­er was found hang­ing from a tree at Car­li Bay on De­cem­ber 9, 2024, and while ef­forts were made to stage the scene to make it ap­pear as if she had died by sui­cide, the au­top­sy con­firmed she had been beat­en to death be­fore be­ing strung up.

The of­fi­cial cause of death was at­trib­uted to blunt-force trau­ma. Fol­low­ing the in­ves­ti­ga­tion in­to her death, po­lice were re­port­ed­ly search­ing for a Span­ish na­tion­al, with whom she al­leged­ly had a re­la­tion­ship.

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