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Saturday, March 15, 2025

Trini convicted of UK woman’s 1969 killing:

I want to give family closure before I die


Anna-Lisa Paul
483 days ago
Nizamodeen Hosein

Nizamodeen Hosein


Se­nior Re­porter


Con­vict­ed killer Nizamod­een Ho­sein says his last wish be­fore he dies is to give the fam­i­ly of his vic­tim, Muriel McK­ay, clo­sure by dis­clos­ing the lo­ca­tion of her body, which has nev­er been re­cov­ered by au­thor­i­ties in the Unit­ed King­dom.

Ho­sein made the com­ment yes­ter­day as Guardian Me­dia vis­it­ed, af­ter me­dia re­ports sur­faced in the UK on Thurs­day that he had con­tact­ed McK­ay’s 82-year-old daugh­ter Di­anne, with an of­fer to re­turn to the UK to show her where her moth­er’s body was buried.

Al­though he has not heard from McK­ay’s fam­i­ly since the of­fer was ex­tend­ed to them months ago, Ho­sein said, “The ball is in their court for the longest while now,” Ho­sein said from the gallery of his Dow Vil­lage, Cou­va, home.

He was sit­ting alone in his porch on a bro­ken, rick­ety wick­er chair, shirt­less and sur­round­ed by dis­card­ed food box­es and emp­ty bot­tles.

Ho­sein and his broth­er, Arthur, were charged with the kid­nap­ping and mur­der of McK­ay, a 55-year-old Aus­tralian na­tion­al, in 1969. They mis­took her for the wife of busi­ness mag­nate Ru­pert Mur­doch, but McK­ay was, in fact, the wife of Mur­doch’s deputy, Al­ick McK­ay.

McK­ay had been held for a £1 mil­lion ran­som but then dis­ap­peared, and her body was nev­er re­cov­ered. It was sus­pect­ed she had been fed to pigs on a Hert­ford­shire farm owned by the broth­ers.

Ho­sein spent 20 years in a British prison for the mur­der be­fore be­ing de­port­ed to T&T, while his broth­er, who was joint­ly charged with the crime, died at a psy­chi­atric fa­cil­i­ty in Eng­land in 2009.

Re­morse­ful over his trans­gres­sion, the 76-year-old con­vict­ed killer said yes­ter­day he has ac­cept­ed his mis­take.

“I am very re­morse­ful. I have plen­ty re­grets in life,” Ho­sein said.

It was sus­pect­ed that McK­ay had been fed to pigs on the Hert­ford­shire, Eng­land farm then-owned by the broth­ers.

In March 2022, an ex­ten­sive search for McK­ay’s re­mains was car­ried out at Stock­ing Farm, for­mer­ly called Rooks Farm, at Stock­ing Pel­ham, Hert­ford­shire, which the Met­ro­pol­i­tan Po­lice said had con­clud­ed un­suc­cess­ful­ly.

Pressed to dis­close where McK­ay’s body was to Guardian Me­dia yes­ter­day, Ho­sein’s eyes grew faint as he looked off in the dis­tance and said, “I don’t know, I don’t know ... is how many don­key years now.”

He lat­er said, “I can’t tell you ex­act­ly where ... If I go to the place, I could point out the spot.”

In­sist­ing he was “ready to go home,” Ho­sein said, “No­body comes to see me or say ‘have a bis­cuit to eat’. I eat when I get food or I just go and sleep. Some­times I get so hun­gry, I just go and pluck some vines off the wire and eat that and the Almighty turns it in­to enough. I have one foot in the hole al­ready...”

Re­gard­ing re­ports that he had writ­ten to the British Home Of­fice re­quest­ing they lift a de­por­ta­tion or­der that still bars him from trav­el­ling to the UK, Ho­sein was un­clear yes­ter­day as to the sta­tus of this.

Sigh­ing heav­i­ly, he could not say why McK­ay’s fam­i­ly or the au­thor­i­ties had al­so not re­spond­ed.

Say­ing he was dis­ease-free ex­cept for arthri­tis of the hands, Ho­sein said he was still suf­fer­ing.

“May be one dis­ease ... a lack of love.”

Scot­land Yard re­opened the case in 2021 af­ter they re­ceived in­for­ma­tion from McK­ay’s rel­a­tives which had been pro­vid­ed by Ho­sein. The McK­ay fam­i­ly’s at­tor­ney, Matthew Gayle, re­port­ed­ly vis­it­ed him in Trinidad in De­cem­ber 2021.

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