T&T nationals on board the Royal Caribbean’s Vision of the Seas are again concerned about whether they will be allowed to return home.
Their concern comes after National Security Minister Stuart Young suggested he may ask for them to be quarantined aboard the ship for two weeks off T&T’s coast when they get here because of the size of the group.
Crystal Charles, who work in the cruise line’s restaurant, told Guardian Media yesterday that they now fear the company may not accede to the request.
“That is putting pressure on the company, because I mean the company is doing an amazing job in taking care of us by giving us three meals a day and updating us and what not but it is going to keep back the company,” Charles said.
“If they stay two weeks in Trinidad waters that keeping back the whole process and the company is trying to get up and running by at least July.”
At this stage, Charles said their anxiety is spiralling out of control.
“One minute we can come, the next we can’t come and next minute they don’t know where to put us and another time we hear they are communicating and we coming the first week of June, then we hear we are going to be quarantined on board,” she lamented.
Anxious to return to home soil, she begged the Government to confirm a return date for the 250-plus Trinis.
In a notice to crew members, which was obtained by Guardian Media, Royal Caribbean advised that its team is working closely with the local authorities and expects a date will be finalised by this week.
While Charles group was distressed, the 52 nationals who were aboard the Disney Fantasy cruise ship since March and returned home on Monday, were celebrating yesterday.
Speaking from the UWI Debe Campus facility yesterday, Nalini Durgah said, “The facility is amazing and the staff has been really helpful.”
Durgah confirmed the group was tested for COVID-19 immediately on arrival before heading to Debe for their mandatory 14-day quarantine. They expect the results in a few days.