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Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Tropical Storm Warning in effect for T&T


974 days ago

This coun­try is un­der a Trop­i­cal Storm Warn­ing. Grena­da and its de­pen­den­cies are al­so un­der a Trop­i­cal Strom Warn­ing. Trop­i­cal Strom con­di­tions are ex­pect­ed some­where with­in the warn­ing area with­in 36 hours.

The fol­low­ing is a press re­lease from the Na­tion­al Hur­ri­cane Cen­tre: 

The gov­ern­ment of Trinidad and To­ba­go has is­sued a Trop­i­cal Storm
Warn­ing for Trinidad, To­ba­go, and Grena­da and its de­pen­den­cies.


A Trop­i­cal Storm Warn­ing is in ef­fect for...
* Trinidad and To­ba­go
* Grena­da and its de­pen­den­cies

A Trop­i­cal Storm Warn­ing means that trop­i­cal storm con­di­tions are
ex­pect­ed some­where with­in the warn­ing area with­in 36 hours.

In­ter­ests else­where in the Wind­ward Is­lands, the north­ern coast of
Venezuela, and the ABC Is­lands should mon­i­tor the progress of this

For storm in­for­ma­tion spe­cif­ic to your area, please mon­i­tor
prod­ucts is­sued by your na­tion­al me­te­o­ro­log­i­cal ser­vice.

At 500 PM AST (2100 UTC), the dis­tur­bance was cen­tered near lat­i­tude
8.6 North, lon­gi­tude 50.9 West. The sys­tem is mov­ing to­ward the
west-north­west near 18 mph (30 km/h), and this gen­er­al mo­tion is
ex­pect­ed to con­tin­ue for the next few days.  On the fore­cast track,
the sys­tem will pass near or over por­tions of the south­ern Wind­ward
Is­land by late Tues­day, and move over the south­ern Caribbean Sea
or near the north­ern coast of Venezuela on Wednes­day and Thurs­day.

Max­i­mum sus­tained winds are near 40 mph (65 km/h) with high­er gusts.
Some strength­en­ing is fore­cast dur­ing the next 48 hours.

Con­di­tions ap­pear con­ducive for de­vel­op­ment, and the dis­tur­bance
will like­ly be­come a trop­i­cal storm be­fore reach­ing the south­ern
Wind­ward Is­lands.
* For­ma­tion chance through 48 hours...high...70 per­cent.
* For­ma­tion chance through 5 days...high...90 per­cent.

Trop­i­cal-storm-force winds ex­tend out­ward up to 60 miles (95 km)
north of the cen­ter.

The es­ti­mat­ed min­i­mum cen­tral pres­sure is 1009 mb (29.80 inch­es).

Key mes­sages for Po­ten­tial Trop­i­cal Cy­clone Two can be found in the
Trop­i­cal Cy­clone Dis­cus­sion un­der AW­IPS head­er MI­ATC­DAT2 and WMO
head­er WT­NT42 KN­HC.

RAIN­FALL: The Po­ten­tial Trop­i­cal Cy­clone is ex­pect­ed to pro­duce
heavy rain across the south­ern Wind­ward Is­lands and the north­east­ern
coast of Venezuela start­ing Tues­day night in­to Wednes­day. The
fol­low­ing storm to­tal rain­fall amounts are ex­pect­ed:

Is­lands from Guade­loupe to St. Lu­cia: 1 to 3 inch­es.

St. Vin­cent, the Grenadines, and Bar­ba­dos: 3 to 4 inch­es.

Grena­da, Trinidad and To­ba­go, and north­east­ern Venezuela: 4 to 6

WIND:  Trop­i­cal storm con­di­tions are ex­pect­ed in the warn­ing area
by late Tues­day.

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