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Thursday, March 27, 2025

TTPS: Five firearms seized in last 48 hours


Rhondor Dowlat
72 days ago


Se­nior Re­porter


Five firearms have been seized dur­ing po­lice op­er­a­tions across Trinidad and To­ba­go in the past 48 hours.

Ac­cord­ing to a re­lease is­sued by the T&T Po­lice Ser­vice, of­fi­cers ar­rest­ed mul­ti­ple sus­pects, in­clud­ing sev­er­al iden­ti­fied as pri­or­i­ty of­fend­ers.

Of­fi­cers from the Barataria CID re­spond­ed to re­ports of gun­fire out­side a bar on El So­cor­ro Road. An off-du­ty of­fi­cer on the scene saw a man with a re­volver. The of­fi­cer iden­ti­fied him­self, or­dered the man to sur­ren­der, and se­cured the weapon, which con­tained five rounds of .38 am­mu­ni­tion and one spent cas­ing. Po­lice ar­rest­ed the 30-year-old sus­pect and took him to the Barataria Po­lice Sta­tion.

Of­fi­cers in Clax­ton Bay searched a bushy area off Abra­ham Ex­ten­sion Road and seized an M16-type firearm with a scope. Po­lice ar­rest­ed two sus­pects for pos­ses­sion of cannabis and took an 18-year-old sus­pect in­to cus­tody.

Po­lice in Guapo stopped a man want­ed for wound­ing with in­tent and his com­mon-law wife near their ve­hi­cle. Of­fi­cers searched the ve­hi­cle and found a home­made shot­gun and a 12-gauge car­tridge. Po­lice ar­rest­ed both in­di­vid­u­als.

Of­fi­cers searched a moun­tain ridge be­tween Gera­ni­um Dri­ve, Mor­vant, and Laven­tille Road, San Juan. Po­lice found a Tau­rus 9mm pis­tol and a mag­a­zine with six rounds of am­mu­ni­tion hid­den un­der a sheet of gal­va­nize.

Of­fi­cers searched a drain on Sanchez Street, Ari­ma. Po­lice re­cov­ered a Glock mag­a­zine with six rounds of 9mm am­mu­ni­tion and 5.81 grams of co­caine hid­den in a wall cav­i­ty.

Po­lice tar­get­ed drug blocks and known of­fend­ers in Gas­par­il­lo. Of­fi­cers seized a Colt .38 re­volver, 17 rounds of .38 am­mu­ni­tion, and cannabis. Po­lice ar­rest­ed one sus­pect in con­nec­tion with the seizure.

In­ves­ti­ga­tions in­to all in­ci­dents are on­go­ing.


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