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Friday, March 28, 2025

US holds separate talks with Russians to discuss ceasefire


4 days ago
In this photo provided by the Ukrainian Emergency Service, firefighters put out the fire following a Russian attack in Donetsk region, Ukraine, Monday, March 24, 2025. (Ukrainian Emergency Service via AP)

In this photo provided by the Ukrainian Emergency Service, firefighters put out the fire following a Russian attack in Donetsk region, Ukraine, Monday, March 24, 2025. (Ukrainian Emergency Service via AP)


U.S. ne­go­tia­tors worked on a pro­posed par­tial cease­fire in the 3-year-old war in Ukraine on Mon­day, meet­ing rep­re­sen­ta­tives from Rus­sia one day af­ter hold­ing sep­a­rate talks with a team from Kyiv.

It has been a strug­gle to reach even a lim­it­ed, 30-day cease­fire — which Moscow and Kyiv agreed to in prin­ci­ple last week — with both sides con­tin­u­ing to at­tack each oth­er with drones and mis­siles.

One ma­jor stick­ing point is what tar­gets would be off-lim­its to strike, even af­ter U.S. Pres­i­dent Don­ald Trump spoke with the coun­tries’ lead­ers, be­cause the par­ties dis­agree.

While the White House said “en­er­gy and in­fra­struc­ture” would be cov­ered, the Krem­lin de­clared that the agree­ment re­ferred more nar­row­ly to “en­er­gy in­fra­struc­ture.” Ukrain­ian Pres­i­dent Volodymyr Ze­len­skyy has said he would al­so like to see in­fra­struc­ture like rail­ways and ports pro­tect­ed.

Talks Mon­day in the Sau­di cap­i­tal of Riyadh were ex­pect­ed to ad­dress some of those dif­fer­ences, as well as a po­ten­tial pause in at­tacks in the Black Sea to en­sure the safe­ty of com­mer­cial ship­ping. Russ­ian state me­dia re­port­ed late Mon­day lo­cal time that the talks had end­ed.

In an ex­change with re­porters at the White House, Trump said ter­ri­to­r­i­al lines and the po­ten­tial for U.S. own­er­ship of a key nu­clear pow­er plant in south­ern Ukraine have been part of the talks.

Last week, Trump float­ed the idea of the U.S. tak­ing con­trol of the Za­por­izhzhia Nu­clear Pow­er Plant. The six-re­ac­tor fa­cil­i­ty — one of the world’s largest — was seized by Rus­sia ear­ly in the war.

“Some peo­ple are say­ing the Unit­ed States should own the pow­er plant — work it that way be­cause we have the ex­per­tise” to get the plant op­er­at­ing, Trump said. “Some­thing like that would be fine with me.”

Since falling un­der Russ­ian con­trol, the plant’s con­di­tions have de­te­ri­o­rat­ed. While its re­ac­tors have been shut down for years, they still re­quire pow­er and staff to main­tain cool­ing sys­tems and safe­ty fea­tures. The fa­cil­i­ty is con­nect­ed to Ukraine’s en­er­gy grid with­out pro­duc­ing elec­tric­i­ty.

U.S. and Russ­ian rep­re­sen­ta­tives met in the morn­ing in Riyadh, Rus­sia’s state Tass and RIA-Novosti news agen­cies re­port­ed. The U.S. and Ukrain­ian teams met Sun­day.

Ser­hii Leshchenko, an ad­vis­er to the Ukrain­ian pres­i­den­cy, said the del­e­ga­tion re­mained in Riyadh on Mon­day and ex­pect­ed to meet again with the Amer­i­cans. In his night­ly ad­dress Mon­day, Ze­len­skyy said rep­re­sen­ta­tives from Ukraine and the U.S. will meet again, al­though he did not spec­i­fy when.

Grig­o­ry Karasin, head of the for­eign af­fairs com­mit­tee in the Russ­ian par­lia­ment’s up­per house and a par­tic­i­pant in Mon­day’s talks, told the In­ter­fax news agency the ne­go­ti­a­tions were go­ing on in a “cre­ative way” and that the U.S. and Russ­ian del­e­ga­tions “un­der­stand each oth­er’s views.”

Mean­while, both Rus­sia and Ukraine con­tin­ued to launch at­tacks across their bor­ders.

The Russ­ian De­fense Min­istry said Mon­day a Ukrain­ian drone at­tacked an oil pump­ing sta­tion in south­ern Rus­sia that serves a pipeline car­ry­ing Kaza­khstan’s Caspi­an Sea oil to the Russ­ian port of Novorossi­isk for ex­port. It said the drone was downed be­fore it could reach the pump­ing sta­tion.

Krem­lin spokesman Dmit­ry Peskov said Mon­day the Russ­ian mil­i­tary has been ful­fill­ing Pres­i­dent Vladimir Putin’s or­der to halt at­tacks on en­er­gy fa­cil­i­ties for 30 days. He has ac­cused Ukraine of de­rail­ing the par­tial cease­fire with at­tacks on Rus­sia’s en­er­gy fa­cil­i­ties, in­clud­ing a gas me­ter­ing sta­tion in Sudzha in Rus­sia’s Kursk re­gion.

Ukraine’s mil­i­tary Gen­er­al Staff re­ject­ed Moscow’s ac­cu­sa­tions and blamed the Russ­ian mil­i­tary for shelling the sta­tion, a claim Peskov called “ab­surd.”

Ze­len­skyy said Sun­day evening that “since March 11, a pro­pos­al for an un­con­di­tion­al cease­fire has been on the ta­ble, and these at­tacks could have al­ready stopped. But it is Rus­sia that con­tin­ues all this.”

He added that Ukraine’s part­ners — “the U.S., Eu­rope, and oth­ers around the world” — should in­crease pres­sure on Rus­sia “to stop this ter­ror.”

Ze­len­skyy has em­pha­sized that Ukraine is open to Trump’s pro­pos­al of a full, 30-day cease­fire. Putin has made a com­plete cease­fire con­di­tion­al on a halt of arms sup­plies to Kyiv and a sus­pen­sion of Ukraine’s mil­i­tary mo­bi­liza­tion — de­mands re­ject­ed by Kyiv and its West­ern al­lies.

Speak­ing on “Fox News Sun­day,” Trump’s spe­cial en­voy Steve Witkoff said he ex­pect­ed “some re­al progress” at talks and that a pause in hos­til­i­ties by both coun­tries in the Black Sea would “nat­u­ral­ly grav­i­tate in­to a full-on shoot­ing cease­fire.”

Chi­na rules out sup­ply­ing peace­keep­ing forces

Asked about re­ports spec­u­lat­ing that Chi­na might send peace­keep­ers to Ukraine to en­force any peace deal, Chi­nese For­eign Min­istry spokesper­son Guo Ji­akun re­spond­ed Mon­day with an un­equiv­o­cal no.

“Let me stress that the re­port is com­plete­ly false. Chi­na’s po­si­tion on the Ukraine cri­sis is clear and con­sis­tent,” Guo said at a brief­ing.

Chi­na has pro­vid­ed Rus­sia with trade earn­ings from oil and oth­er nat­ur­al re­sources, along with diplo­mat­ic back­ing, but has not giv­en any weapons or sent any per­son­nel. Chi­na is, how­ev­er, on close terms with North Ko­rea, which has sent troops to fight along­side the Russ­ian army.

Ukrain­ian rail­ways hit by cy­ber­at­tack

A “mas­sive tar­get­ed cy­ber­at­tack” hit Ukrain­ian state rail­way op­er­a­tor Ukrza­l­iznyt­sia on Sun­day, the com­pa­ny wrote on Telegram, adding that it was work­ing to re­store its sys­tems on Mon­day. The com­pa­ny said the at­tack did not af­fect train move­ments or sched­ules but dis­rupt­ed its on­line book­ing sys­tem.

“The rail­way con­tin­ues to op­er­ate de­spite phys­i­cal at­tacks on the in­fra­struc­ture, and even the most vile cy­ber­at­tacks can­not stop it,” the com­pa­ny wrote.

Mean­while, Ukraine’s Spe­cial Op­er­a­tions Forces claimed Mon­day it de­stroyed four mil­i­tary he­li­copters in Rus­sia’s Bel­go­rod re­gion with the use of U.S.-sup­plied HI­MARS rock­et sys­tems. It pub­lished drone footage on its Telegram page of what it said was the at­tack.

The strikes oc­curred at a con­cealed “jump­ing-off point” for Russ­ian air­craft used in sur­prise at­tacks on Ukrain­ian forces, the group said.

A Russ­ian mis­sile struck the north­ern city of Sumy, across the bor­der from Rus­sia’s Kursk re­gion, hit­ting res­i­den­tial build­ings and a school, said re­gion­al head Volodymyr Ar­tiukh. Chil­dren at the school were be­ing evac­u­at­ed at the time, and all were safe, he added.

But the re­gion­al pros­e­cu­tor’s of­fice said 65 peo­ple were in­jured, in­clud­ing 14 chil­dren.

Ear­li­er, Rus­sia fired 99 at­tack and de­coy drones in­to Ukraine overnight, ac­cord­ing to Ukraine’s air force, of which 57 were shot down.


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