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Friday, February 28, 2025

Valencia couple saves hundreds of abused and abandoned animals


Ambika Jagassarsingh
221 days ago

Am­bi­ka Ja­gas­sars­ingh


An­i­mals tend to bring a great deal of joy to hu­mans, yet they do not all re­ceive the same love they self­less­ly give. Over the years, an­i­mal res­cuers Clif­ford Tardieu and his wife, Sharon Tardieu, have com­mit­ted them­selves to im­prov­ing the lives of those who have been aban­doned, abused, and for­got­ten through their an­i­mal shel­ter, Tardieu’s Kit­ten & Pup­py Sanc­tu­ary.

The Tardieus have been res­cu­ing an­i­mals since 1991, when they lived in St Maarten, and con­tin­ued the ser­vice when they moved to Trinidad. “I’ve been do­ing this for many, many years, and then when Sharon and I met in St Maarten, we res­cued our first dog to­geth­er, and then we start­ed to do a lot of res­cues with oth­er an­i­mals, oth­er pup­pies.

Trinidad is the first place that, when we came back to live here in ‘97, it was the place where we start­ed to do cats, and we on­ly had about four or five of our own cats to­geth­er.”

Tardieu re­vealed that their shel­ter, lo­cat­ed in the Va­len­cia re­gion, has reached its phys­i­cal ca­pac­i­ty. “There are 235 to 240 cats, in­clud­ing kit­tens, and we fluc­tu­ate be­tween 25 and 35 dogs ... I’ve had to turn peo­ple back. Be­cause lit­er­al­ly, when we have more and more than we have, it does take away the fund­ing or the help, the time, and the ef­fort and re­sources to help the rest of them.”

De­spite turn­ing away some of the an­i­mals due to the num­ber of them at the shel­ter, Tardieu will not pass a suf­fer­ing an­i­mal. With a tinge of sad­ness, he al­so ad­mit­ted that no mat­ter how much he tries, they alone can­not fight the grow­ing num­ber of aban­doned or stray an­i­mals.

“Once an an­i­mal is in my sight, once it is in front of me, whether it is on the high­way or whether it’s on the pave­ment, I don’t ... My prin­ci­ple is I don’t walk over it, I don’t dri­ve over it, I don’t dri­ve around it. I try to help it as best as I can, but that doesn’t mean I go look­ing to save an­i­mals any­more. Be­cause quite prac­ti­cal­ly, you can’t save them all.”

Since mov­ing from their pre­vi­ous lo­ca­tion in Mt Lam­bert, San Juan, to Va­len­cia, the Tardieus have man­aged to re­home sev­er­al of their res­cues. “Since we’ve been here for about a year and a half, we’ve placed about 30 to 35 kit­tens and cats and about 25 to 30 dogs in around Va­len­cia, Ari­ma, and San­gre Grande. Some­times doc­tors, lawyers, peo­ple of all kinds come here to adopt an an­i­mal be­cause, as you can see, the an­i­mals have a cer­tain tem­pera­ment.

We make sure that all the cats have that kind of love. So, they’re calm, they’re qui­et, they’re not ag­gres­sive, and peo­ple like that.” De­spite their best ef­forts, how­ev­er, it nev­er seems to be enough.

Tardieu al­so con­demned the be­hav­iour of some cit­i­zens to­wards in­no­cent an­i­mals. “The mind­set of a Trinida­di­an is that once an an­i­mal is on the road, they don’t ap­ply the brake or slow down; they pass over it. And when on the way back and the an­i­mal is in 1,000 pieces, they will try to dri­ve around the an­i­mal be­cause they don’t want to get it on their Pra­do ... They don’t re­alise it; it’s alive un­til it’s dead.”

The 56-year-old an­i­mal ad­vo­cate dis­heart­en­ing­ly re­vealed that the work­load at the shel­ter fell on three peo­ple. How­ev­er, they man­age with who they have, but a lit­tle ex­tra help will al­ways be wel­comed. “We’ve had oth­er vets, some young vets, as­pir­ing vets; they’ve come up here and done some work with us. We do have one guy work­ing with us. He stays in the cat­tery down be­low, at the bot­tom of the hill. So, when we look back, what we’d re­al­ly need is for peo­ple to come and vol­un­teer their time.

We would love to be able to af­ford an­oth­er work­er be­cause the sheer vol­ume of an­i­mals is a lot for two peo­ple or even three peo­ple to do on their own.” In ad­di­tion to the lack of man­pow­er, the cost of car­ing for al­most 300 an­i­mals is ex­treme­ly high. Tardieu added, “Al­most all of the mon­ey we get here is from do­na­tions; it’s from help. If it wasn’t for do­na­tions, we couldn’t do this. And that’s why we had to go pub­lic be­cause we had to be able to feed them.” He said they go through a 22-pound bag of cat food in one day, while a large bag of dog chow can last about a week.

How­ev­er, oth­er fac­tors con­tribute to the ex­pens­es. “We al­so have the med­ica­tion. We al­so have the vet vis­its, we have the doc­tor’s vis­its. And those things add up. I would say we use any­where from $5,000 to $10,000 a month in ex­pens­es here, maybe a lit­tle more de­pend­ing, be­cause each of these cats ... it’s not just food, but they re­quire med­ica­tion. Some­times they get sick. And some­times, most times you have to give them worm­ing med­i­cine. So, it’s cost­ly.” To help man­age and ab­sorb the costs of the shel­ter, Tardieu, a self-pro­claimed car con­nois­seur, re­stores cars when time al­lows.

But be­tween the im­pact of COVID-19 on his side job and a can­cer di­ag­no­sis in 2011, he can­not overex­ert him­self. Tardieu has been in re­mis­sion for the past 13 years. He re­vealed that hav­ing can­cer gave him a bit of per­spec­tive that pro­pelled him for­ward. “I don’t like to see peo­ple suf­fer. So, I help can­cer pa­tients as well. So, once an an­i­mal is suf­fer­ing, I will do my best to stop the suf­fer­ing. I don’t have a prob­lem when an an­i­mal dies, be­cause it’s no longer in pain ... Be­cause of my bat­tle with can­cer, I thought that I would use my sec­ond lease on life wise­ly.” De­spite the hard­ships, the Tardieus al­ways try their best to help their res­cues, since they get a sense of ful­fil­ment from see­ing them flour­ish. “It’s a catch-22 type of thing with an­i­mals; they can give you joy, you could be hap­py to save an an­i­mal, es­pe­cial­ly when an an­i­mal was tor­tured. When an an­i­mal has been chopped, when it’s been poi­soned, and you bring that an­i­mal back from the dead, and you see an an­i­mal thrive, you know?

“For ex­am­ple, some­body ran over this cat. And it came here, and we were sure it was go­ing to die, we were al­most cer­tain it was go­ing to die. And he’s mov­ing around rather well. So that in it­self is an ac­com­plish­ment. That’s some­thing to look for­ward to. That’s some­thing you feel good about.” Tardieu said over the years, cit­i­zens have be­come ex­treme­ly cal­lous to an­i­mals, but this has not made him lose hope. He be­lieves that with the help of vol­un­teers, they can do even more. “One of the things that I think would help us run a lot smoother is maybe one or two more vol­un­teers to come once a week; it would be great if they come once a day.

But if a vol­un­teer could come once a week, more do­na­tions, clean­ing sup­plies, food, if we could get a vet or two to come here and vis­it us.” Tardieu al­so called on the Gov­ern­ment to do its part by im­ple­ment­ing a spay and neuter pro­gramme for an­i­mals, which would even­tu­al­ly help curb the num­ber of strays present on the streets.

Any­one will­ing to as­sist the Tardieus in pro­vid­ing a haven for dis­placed an­i­mals can call 382-4926 or 703-0502

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