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Friday, March 14, 2025

Woman chopped to death in front of sons


151 days ago

Se­nior Mul­ti­me­dia Re­porter


When he saw his moth­er be­ing chopped to death, a teenag­er tried to fend off the at­tack­er with a stick be­fore even­tu­al­ly flee­ing with his sev­en-year-old broth­er to beg neigh­bours for help.

By the time their neigh­bours ar­rived, Lau­ra Sankar, 34, a maxi-taxi dri­ver, was dead. Her body was found near the bath­room of her Post Of­fice Trace, Princes Town, home.

The in­ci­dent, which oc­curred at 5.45 pm on Sat­ur­day, brings to six, the num­ber of fe­males at­tacked with­in a week, four of which were fa­tal.

Sankar’s sis­ter Sher­ry Ann Sankar said she was at her Ch­agua­nas home when she re­ceived a phone call about the in­ci­dent.

“I called her phone, and (name called) an­swered. I asked, ‘Where Lau­ra?’ He said, ‘She dead, that is it, I fed up.’” Sher­ry Ann said she lat­er found out that Sankar had been get­ting ready to take her chil­dren to a car show when the rel­a­tive at­tacked her with a cut­lass.

“I heard he was drink­ing, and they had an ar­gu­ment. She was sit­ting in the ham­mock. Then she went in­side to get dressed, he came be­hind her with the cut­lass and chopped her to death,” Sher­ry Ann said, wip­ing tears from her eyes.

She ex­plained that Sankar had been in a re­la­tion­ship for 18 years. While it ap­peared good in the be­gin­ning, there had been some wor­ry­ing de­vel­op­ments.

“One time he drink poi­son and an­oth­er time he at­tacked my broth­er with a ham­mer,” she said.

How­ev­er, Sankar nev­er made any for­mal re­ports to the po­lice. In­stead, she fo­cused on build­ing her life, study­ing to be a nurse, earn­ing an in­come as a maxi taxi dri­ver and tak­ing care of her chil­dren.

“My sis­ter was a gem. My chil­dren were al­ways up here by Aun­ty Lau­ra. Every hol­i­day she would take care of all of them. She has a maxi that picks up school chil­dren. She was al­ways kind to all the chil­dren. She was a lov­ing per­son. She did what she had to do and she nev­er de­pend­ed on any­body,” Sher­ry Ann re­called.

She said Sankar’s chil­dren are re­ceiv­ing coun­selling from the T&T Po­lice Ser­vice (TTPS).

“It seems they saw what hap­pened. One child was bathing, and the oth­er was get­ting dressed when they heard their moth­er’s screams. I don’t think the lit­tle one un­der­stands what hap­pened, the big one knows,” Sher­ry Ann said.

She re­called that last month Sankar sent her a song on YouTube. As the song played, she wept and ad­vised women to get out of abu­sive re­la­tion­ships.

“Nowa­days we see men on a ram­page be­cause they see women as the weak­er ves­sel. I want to tell women, when you see red flags, it’s time to move on be­fore you lose your life,” she sobbed.

“In­stead of men car­ing and lov­ing women, they take ad­van­tage be­cause they have this ego­tis­tic, mas­cu­line, su­pe­ri­or be­hav­iour. The end game should not be los­ing your life.”

She said Sankar was abused be­cause her al­leged killer was in­se­cure and of­ten ac­cused her of in­fi­deli­ty.

“If the phone rings, or if she gets a mes­sage, he would say tell her look a man call­ing you,” Sher­ry Ann said.

Neigh­bours ex­pressed hor­ror over the killing but said they did not know why the in­ci­dent oc­curred.

There have been 28 do­mes­tic mur­ders for the year, with 14 of the cas­es solved.

Last Mon­day, Tara Ram­sa­roop and her one-year-old ba­by Sher­maya were chopped to death at their Bar­rack­pore home. On Oc­to­ber 9, Suni­ta Mo­hammed, 50, of 10 Pond Lane, School Trace, Gas­par­il­lo, died af­ter be­ing pushed down dur­ing a do­mes­tic dis­pute.

Be­tween Jan­u­ary and Au­gust, the po­lice re­port­ed more than 1,227 cas­es of do­mes­tic vi­o­lence.

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