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Friday, March 14, 2025

Women knock lack of info on ill relatives at Couva


Joshua Seemungal
1814 days ago
Soldiers guard the entrance to the Couva Hospital on Saturday.

Soldiers guard the entrance to the Couva Hospital on Saturday.


In the midst of the COVID-19 pan­dem­ic, there are few rev­e­la­tions that will like­ly pan­ic some­one more than find­ing out that a loved one has the virus.

One Trinida­di­an woman re­ceived that con­fir­ma­tion not once, or twice but three times.

Her moth­er, aunt and un­cle, who are be­tween the ages 65-70-years old, all have the virus and are cur­rent­ly ward­ed at the Cou­va Hos­pi­tal.

Pri­or to that, they were quar­an­tined at Camp Ba­lan­dra with the group of 68 na­tion­als who re­turned from a Caribbean cruise aboard the Cos­ta Favolosa. The ship was de­nied en­try to Mar­tinique af­ter pas­sen­gers test­ed pos­i­tive and the na­tion­als were im­me­di­ate­ly quar­an­tined at Ba­lan­dra af­ter re­turn­ing home last week. A group of 40 of them sub­se­quent­ly test­ed pos­i­tive and were tak­en to Cou­va. An­oth­er of the pas­sen­gers who were at Ba­lan­dra and three oth­ers who were al­so on the ship but came in in­de­pen­dent­ly of the group of 68 sub­se­quent­ly test­ed pos­i­tive, tak­ing the to­tal num­ber of those who test­ed pos­i­tive from the con­t­a­m­i­na­tion on the ship to 44.

The woman, who would on­ly al­low Guardian Me­dia to use her first name, Tri­cia, claims since her rel­a­tives have been back home, no sub­stan­tial in­for­ma­tion has been giv­en to her about the con­di­tion of her hos­pi­talised rel­a­tives.

“Our fam­i­ly is dis­traught. You can­not tell me that they have el­der­ly peo­ple in the hos­pi­tal and the next of kin isn’t be­ing giv­en any in­for­ma­tion,” she said.

With the un­cer­tain­ty, she said her men­tal state is now tor­ment­ed.

“There is ze­ro com­mu­ni­ca­tion. Every sin­gle day I can’t sleep. I can­not rest. I have to take sleep­ing pills right now,” Tri­cia added.

The on­ly up­dates, or the clos­est thing to it, she said, comes from her aunt via nurs­es, not doc­tors.

“We just want them to com­mu­ni­cate. Yes, we know we can­not see them be­cause they are in quar­an­tine, but we just want to know how they are do­ing,” she plead­ed.

Here’s what she claims to know:

Her moth­er was trans­ferred to the Cou­va Hos­pi­tal’s In­ten­sive Care Unit on Mon­day. She was re­moved from ICU on Wednes­day.

On Sun­day, her un­cle was trans­ferred to the ICU.

Since then, Tri­cia says she’s heard noth­ing and means she’s un­aware of their con­di­tions. She claims even her aunt is un­able to get up­dates from doc­tors about the con­di­tion of her oth­er two rel­a­tives al­though they are all at the fa­cil­i­ty.

“When I called the hos­pi­tal, they are say­ing the doc­tors are too busy. I’ve tried call­ing the hot­line num­ber whole day, but I can’t get through,” Tri­cia lament­ed.

With each call, her frus­tra­tion is build­ing more and more and that’s why she said she was will­ing to talk to Guardian Me­dia yes­ter­day. How­ev­er, she ad­mit­ted she was re­luc­tant to re­veal her full iden­ti­ty be­cause she feared her rel­a­tives may be vic­timised.

“I just don’t know what to do again,” she said.

Tri­cia’s cousin, whose both par­ents are at the Cou­va Hos­pi­tal, said she al­so feels help­less. How­ev­er, while she wasn’t com­plain­ing about how they are be­ing treat­ed, she called the lack of med­ical up­dates be­wil­der­ing. Not will­ing to share her full name, she said she’s called just about every­one there is to get in­for­ma­tion.

“I think I have the record for most calls made. I think the on­ly per­son I haven’t called is the Prime Min­is­ter,” she said.

“My biggest com­plaint is that I don’t know what’s go­ing on with my par­ents. We haven’t got­ten any in­for­ma­tion from the Min­istry of Health as yet.”

Her fa­ther, who is in the ICU, is 70 and has a his­to­ry of oth­er med­ical con­di­tions.

Ac­cord­ing to med­ical ex­perts, the el­der­ly are the most vul­ner­a­ble to the virus. As of Wednes­day, more than 20,000 peo­ple have been killed, while more than 450,000 have been in­fect­ed by COVID-19.


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