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Saturday, March 29, 2025

Yorke is new T&T head coach


147 days ago
New Soca Warriors head coach, Dwight Yorke.  He won the coaching job from a field of some 400 applicants, both local and international.

New Soca Warriors head coach, Dwight Yorke. He won the coaching job from a field of some 400 applicants, both local and international.

For­mer T&T strik­er Dwight Yorke has been con­firmed as the new head coach of the T&T So­ca War­riors, who would be head­ing in­to the FI­FA World Cup Qual­i­fiers next year.

He ex­pect­ed­ly got the nod of in­ter­im coach Derek King who took over from An­gus Eve in Ju­ly, and three oth­er coach­es said to be in­ter­na­tion­al coach­es, in a short­list of five from an ini­tial list of over 400.

A short while ago, the T&T Foot­ball As­so­ci­a­tion is­sued a state­ment con­firm­ing the for­mer Man­ches­ter Unit­ed strik­er as the coach af­ter more than a month since the in­vi­ta­tions for the coach­ing job went out.

TTFA Pres­i­dent Kieron Ed­wards said Yorke's ex­pe­ri­ence, lead­er­ship and com­mit­ment to the red, white and black of T&T, “are ex­act­ly what we need to in­spire our play­ers and our na­tions.”

Yorke is ex­pect­ed in next week to start work with the team, which could face an im­me­di­ate in­ter­na­tion­al friend­ly dur­ing the win­dow of No­vem­ber 11-19.

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