Minister of Energy and Energy Industries Stuart Young has reiterated that the Government cannot reveal details of its Dragon Gas Field deal with Venezuela, as a breach of confidentiality can end the negotiating process and crash a deal this country sorely needs.
Calls for more transparency over the deal were bellowed in the Senate yesterday by Opposition Senator Wade Mark, who said citizens deserve to know what is going on and what tangible benefits the deal will bring.
However, Young said the component of confidentiality, no matter how people try to water it down, is a reality of these contracts.
“And in the energy sector, this is what you trade in, literally at times, a person’s credibility and a person’s reputation, meaning the country’s reputation and credibility to uphold sanctity of contracts. To uphold what takes place in a very competitive sector, because you see this isn’t like the grocery where it’s one grocery competing with another on a corner. We are in this global energy sector where you have other countries competing with Trinidad and Tobago to attract the resources of these multinationals,” Young said.
He said the need to keep some of the dealings with Venezuela private has become increasingly important as the country re-opens to the global community following an easing of sanctions by the United States.
“You come out of the negotiation room, for example at PDVSA, and you see global energy players. I won’t call their names here but global multinational energy players waiting to enter into the same room to negotiate deals and that is the reason why this is so critical to be protected, the confidentiality, because the deal that we will get from Venezuela will differ to the deal that a European company will get,” Young said.
He also pointed out that T&T does not possess the ability to independently explore and produce offshore gas and depend on multinational upstream players like Shell and BP.
“So, we must protect very, very carefully the relationships we have with these companies as they continue to invest globally. We are always competing globally for their capital to be invested in Trinidad and Tobago. And they protect and they very jealously guard their brands and their brand protection,” Young added.