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Saturday, March 29, 2025

An unprecedented attack


1765 days ago


In what was the most vi­cious at­tack on the lo­cal me­dia by a sit­ting Prime Min­is­ter, Dr Kei­th Row­ley yes­ter­day ac­cused the two largest me­dia com­pa­nies of not be­ing in­de­pen­dent but rather danc­ing to the tunes of their own­ers.

Here is the Prime Min­is­ter in his own words: “In Trinidad and To­ba­go we don’t have in­de­pen­dent me­dia hous­es…. what we have are me­dia hous­es that have in­ter­est to pro­tect.”

He went on: “One me­dia house is owned by a busi­ness con­glom­er­ate that has in­ter­est and the Gov­ern­ment has tak­en de­ci­sions that’s un­favourable to their in­ter­est. The oth­er one, right, has busi­ness with the state which the Gov­ern­ment is not fa­cil­i­tat­ing and then ob­vi­ous­ly the Gov­ern­ment is mak­ing en­e­mies be­cause they have in­ter­est to pro­tect, we have in­ter­est to pro­tect.”

We do not pro­pose to speak for our coun­ter­parts on In­de­pen­dence Square who have a record of ably de­fend­ing them­selves against scur­rilous at­tacks. We in Guardian Me­dia vig­or­ous­ly con­demn Dr Row­ley’s di­a­tribe. For more than a cen­tu­ry, we have chron­i­cled the his­to­ry of our na­tion while stand­ing up to hos­tile and rav­ing lead­ers. We will nev­er cow­er from mis­rep­re­sen­ta­tions, slan­der and threats. On be­half of our read­ers, we will re­main res­olute in seek­ing the truth and faith­ful­ly re­port­ing it.

To deal with Dr Row­ley’s at­tack, let us re­in­force that Guardian Me­dia’s jour­nal­ism and ed­i­to­r­i­al poli­cies have al­ways been in­de­pen­dent of our par­ent com­pa­ny, which has main­tained a hands-off ap­proach.

It’s an in­de­pen­dent com­pa­ny which trades on the stock ex­change, with a board of em­i­nent pro­fes­sion­als.

We have seen at­tacks on our lo­cal me­dia be­fore but Dr Row­ley’s is by far the most brazen. Here is a short­list of the sit­ting gov­ern­ments’ great­est hits:

The coun­try’s first prime min­is­ter Dr Er­ic Williams rou­tine­ly at­tacked the Guardian; Bas­deo Pan­day at­tacked then min­is­ter Ken Gor­don per­son­al­ly; George Cham­bers in­fa­mous­ly threw the me­dia out of a PNM meet­ing in Ari­ma.

But Dr Row­ley went a step be­yond, ques­tion­ing the in­tegri­ty of the me­dia for deign­ing to ask ques­tions on how a shipload of fu­el from a state-owned oil com­pa­ny may have end­ed up in Venezuela, not long af­ter the prime min­is­ter met with Venezue­lan vice-pres­i­dent Del­cy Ro­driguez, who has faced stiff sanc­tions from the US and Eu­ro­pean Union.

Jour­nal­ists mere­ly want­ed to know how oil pur­port­ed­ly des­tined for Aru­ba nev­er made its way there and why the Gov­ern­ment’s ac­counts of the in­ci­dent kept shift­ing.

In­stead of ad­dress­ing the ques­tions, Dr Row­ley cut loose, ac­cus­ing the me­dia of “ha­rass­ing peo­ple with lies.” At the end of his rant, we still do not know why a day af­ter his meet­ing with Ro­driguez, pur­port­ed­ly to talk about COVID-19 se­cu­ri­ty mat­ters, Paria Trad­ing Co ini­ti­at­ed the sale of fu­el that may have end­ed up in Venezuela.

We still do not know Na­tion­al Se­cu­ri­ty Min­is­ter Stu­art Young de­clared that US Am­bas­sador Joseph Mon­del­lo did not raise with him that T&T might have vi­o­lat­ed the Rio Treaty on­ly to be con­found­ed days lat­er by the am­bas­sador. And we still don’t know why some of Venezuela’s top oil of­fi­cials came to the prime min­is­ter’s of­fice and who might have met with them.

Af­ter decades in pol­i­tics, Dr Row­ley should un­der­stand that re­porters are not paid to pro­vide pub­lic re­la­tions for his Gov­ern­ment, which has a small army of state pro­pa­gan­dists to do so. By ask­ing ques­tions on be­half of the pub­lic, re­porters were mere­ly do­ing their jobs.

We can on­ly won­der why Dr Row­ley chose this mo­ment to launch a broad­side against the me­dia. Does he know that what he said could have a cor­ro­sive ef­fect on our democ­ra­cy? And does he care? Does he ex­pect the me­dia to now cow­er in a cor­ner like a bat­tered vic­tim and not stand up for it­self?

Cit­i­zens need to sit up and take note be­cause when pol­i­tics starts go­ing down this route it im­per­ils the very democ­ra­cy we cher­ish.

As the guardian of democ­ra­cy, we and the peo­ple of Trinidad and To­ba­go will al­ways fight for a vi­brant and free me­dia that will ask the tough ques­tions and hold the pow­er­ful to ac­count. We owe our na­tion no less.

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