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Sunday, March 9, 2025

Arima, Fatima battling to qualify


Walter Alibey - Senior Reporter
1979 days ago
Arima North Secondary coach Wayne Sheppard talking strategy with his players during the half-time interval of a previous match. The Dial Dynamos are in the front position of the East zone of the Championship Division of the SSFL.

Arima North Secondary coach Wayne Sheppard talking strategy with his players during the half-time interval of a previous match. The Dial Dynamos are in the front position of the East zone of the Championship Division of the SSFL.

Walter Alibey

With ei­ther three or four rounds of match­es to go in the Cham­pi­onship Di­vi­sion of the Sec­ondary Schools Foot­ball League (SS­FL), no teams are sure of clinch­ing the top spot in their re­spec­tive zones, to qual­i­fy them for a place in the play-off at the end of the sea­son.

The win­ner of each zone will ad­vance to a play-off and the top three will earn pro­mo­tion to the Pre­mier Di­vi­sion of the SS­FL.

The zones will en­ter an­oth­er round of ac­tion this af­ter­noon and in the east zone, Ari­ma North Sec­ondary, known pop­u­lar­ly as the "Di­al Dy­namos" will fan­cy their chances of re­turn­ing to top-flight schools foot­ball with 15 points from five match­es. Ari­ma will be up against El Do­ra­do East, a team they de­feat­ed 4-0 in the first meet­ing be­tween them.

On­ly last Fri­day, the Ari­ma boys thrashed Mal­abar Sec­ondary 4-0 to main­tain their un­blem­ished record. And foot­ball pun­dits are al­ready pre­dict­ing that once the Arim­i­ans can con­tin­ue win­ning against teams they de­feat­ed in the past, they are cer­tain to en­ter the play-offs.

Mean­while, in the Cen­tral zone Pre­sen­ta­tion Col­lege, out of the pre­mier­ship di­vi­sion for the past few years, are carv­ing their route to the play-offs. 'Pres' are ahead on the stand­ing with nine points from five games, but will have to pin their hopes on some of the oth­er teams pre­vent­ing sec­ond place Ch­agua­nas North from sneak­ing past them. The Ch­agua­nas boys could fan­cy their chances with two games in hand, start­ing this af­ter­noon when the two teams (Ch­agua­nas North and Pres) square off this af­ter­noon at Ch­agua­nas North grounds.



Ch­agua­nas North vs Pres @ Ch­agua­nas North

Preysal Sec vs Cou­va East @Ato Boldon Sta­di­um


Man­zanil­la Sec vs Holy Cross@ Man­zanil­la

Va­len­cia Sec vs Mal­abar Sec @Va­len­cia

El Do­ra­do East vs Ari­ma North @El Do­ra­do


St Fran­cis Boys vs Blan­chisseuse Sec @St Mary's Grd

Mu­cu­rapo West vs Diego Mar­tin North @Mu­cu­rapo

Fa­ti­ma Col­lege vs Tran­quil­i­ty Sec @Fa­ti­ma


Rio Claro West vs Point Fortin Sec @Shell Grd Rio Claro

Princes Town West vs Moru­ga Sec @P/Town Grd


Scar­bor­ough Sec vs Bish­op's High @Black Rock Grd

Pen­te­costal Light &Life vs Rox­bor­ough Sec @Mt Gomery Grd

Good­wood Sec vs Ma­son Hall Sec @ Good­wood Grd

Stand­ings - Cen­tral Zone


1*Pre­sen­ta­tion Col­lege, Chag*5 *3*2*0*13*10*+3*9

2*Ch­agua­nas North Sec­ondary*3*2*0*1*7*2*+5*7

3*Mir­a­cle Min­istries P.H.S*3*2*0*1*7*0*+7*6

4*Preysal Sec­ondary*4*1*3*0*4*9*-5*3

5*Cou­va East Sec­ondary*3*0*3*0*0*10*-10*0

Stand­ings - East Zone


1*Ari­ma North Sec­ondary*5*5*0*0*22*3*+19*15

2*Man­zanil­la Sec­ondary*6*4*2*0*22*7*+15*12

3*Va­len­cia Sec­ondary*3*3*0*0*11*0*+11*9

4*Holy Cross Col­lege*5*2*2*1*8*4*+4*7

5*El Do­ra­do East Sec­ondary*5*0*5*0*1*17*-16*0

6*Mal­abar Sec­ondary*6*0*5*1*0*33*-33*0

Stand­ings - North Zone


1*Fa­ti­ma Col­lege*6*5*1*0*23*3*+20*15

2*Mu­cu­rapo West Sec­ondary*7*3*1*3*14*8*+6*12

3*Tran­quil­i­ty Sec­ondary*5*3*0*2*10*6*+4*11

4*Blan­chisseuse Sec­ondary*4*3*1*0*8*4*+4*9

5*Diego Mar­tin North*7*2*4*1*8*19*-11*7

6*Diego Mar­tin Cen­tral*7*1*3*3*10*14*-4*6

7*St. Fran­cis Boys Col­lege*6*0*5*1*5*25*-20*1

Stand­ings - South Zone


1*Moru­ga Sec­ondary*4*4*0*0*15*3*+12*12

2*Point Fortin East Sec­ondary*6*2*2*2*14*7*+7*8

3*Fyz­abad An­gli­can Sec­ondary*5*2*2*1*6*9*-3*7

4*Rio Claro West Sec­ondary*4*1*1*2*3*2*+1*5

5*Princes Town West*5*0*4*1*3*20*-17*1

Stand­ings - To­ba­go Zone


1*Ma­son Hall Sec­ondary*7*6*0*1*19*2*+11*19

2*Sig­nal Hill Sec­ondary*6*5*0*1*16*2*+14*16

3*Scar­bor­ough Sec­ondary*6*3*2*1*27*7*+20*10

4*Bish­op's High School*6*2*4*0*7*12*-5*6

5*Good­wood Sec­ondary*7*1*5*1*7*24*-17*4

6*Pen­te­costal Light & Life*4*0*1*3*6*11*-5*3

7*Rox­bor­ough Sec­ondary*6*0*5*1*5*29*-24*1


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