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Tuesday, March 25, 2025

Barbados crowned Windies 4-day champion


Vinode Mamchan
1827 days ago
Members of the Barbados Pride team.

Members of the Barbados Pride team.

Photo Credit: CWI Media/Kerrie Eversley

Bar­ba­dos has been crowned the re­gion­al Four-Day cham­pi­on as Crick­et West In­dies (CWI) out of an abun­dance of cau­tion has can­celled the fi­nal two rounds of match­es in the West In­dies Cham­pi­onships.

With two rounds to go, Bar­ba­dos Pride is out front with 143.8 points fol­lowed by T&T Red Force which has 94.6.

De­fend­ing cham­pi­ons Guyana Jaguars are in the third po­si­tion with 91.8 points. Ja­maica fol­lows on 91.8 as well. The Wind­ward Is­lands fin­ish in fifth place with 78 while the Lee­ward Is­lands prop up the ta­ble with just 52.8 points.

Red Force could have math­e­mat­i­cal­ly gone ahead of Bar­ba­dos with two rounds to go but it would have meant that the Pride had to lose their fi­nal two match­es with­out even get­ting a sin­gle bonus point and Red Force would have had to de­feat Ja­maica and Guyana and gain max­i­mum points. Bar­ba­dos Pride was av­er­ag­ing 8.31 bonus points per match this sea­son.

The news was con­firmed to Guardian Me­dia Sports by CWI vice-pres­i­dent Dr Kishore Shal­low who said that the de­ci­sion was tak­en at a West In­dies board meet­ing on Tues­day.

"We held a meet­ing to­day (yes­ter­day) with the di­rec­tors and we de­cid­ed to can­cel the tour­na­ment at this stage. With two rounds to go, we see it as very dif­fi­cult to fit in those match­es and as such Bar­ba­dos has been award­ed the ti­tle."

Shal­low al­so added that the Re­gion­al Un­der-15 tour­na­ment card­ed for An­tigua was al­so can­celled. "We have al­so can­celled the re­gion­al U-15 crick­et tour­na­ment that was due to be held in An­tigua. We will be hav­ing an­oth­er meet­ing on May 31 to see what's the sit­u­a­tion with the rest of our crick­et. How­ev­er, for the time be­ing, the four-day cham­pi­onship has been can­celled and we will keep our eyes on the sit­u­a­tion close­ly as we move for­ward."

Pres­i­dent of the TTCB, Az­im Bas­sarath was very proud of the way the team fought back in the se­ries.

"The boys did well and I want to con­grat­u­late them. We have to take in­to con­sid­er­a­tion what we are fac­ing now with this coro­n­avirus sit­u­a­tion and this has held to the de­ci­sion of CWI to can­cel the se­ries."

The re­gion­al U-17 women's tour­na­ment card­ed for T&T has been post­poned to be played at a lat­er date to be an­nounced.









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